Normal ' 009

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"SO YOUR TELLING ME THATS HOW YOU ESCAPED?" Robin said with a raised eyebrow. "Told you he wouldn't believe us" I said to Finney. The night after we escaped the grabber we all decided to stay at Finneys place, my dad was off the rails again, probably on a work trip, Finneys dad was getting drunk, and robins mom was out partying. "I'm not saying I don't believe you it's just - it's just crazy" he said. Gwen nodded beside him, "yeah, i agree with Robin" she said. Me and Finney looked at eachother, "crazy or not, it's true" he said with a shrug. "He's right, without there calls, we would have fallen into his game, and got killed way sooner" I said. "Yep and without them Roni would have beaten the grabber to death after how many times she tried" he said elbowing me with a smirk. "Okay okay excuse me I just like flipped him off your being dramatic" I said. Finney gasped, "you hit him upside the head with a glass sprite bottle, and tried hitting him with a toilet tank lid and after they said not to you still did!" He exclaimed. My jaw dropped to the floor, just like gwen and robins did. "You hit a guy who's killed multiple kids , and had beaten you with a sprite bottle and a toilet tank lid?" Gwen said in disbelief. "The same girl who wouldn't punch her bully in the face" Gwen said. Robin shook his head with a smile, "insane" he said. "Okay but if I didn't hit him with a toilet tank lid our plan would have failed miserably, it already had WHEN he didn't fall from Finneys punch" I said nudging him a bit. He rolled his eyes, "I had a landline" he said with a small smile. I giggled, "yeah you basically had the upper hand, mine broke as soon as I hit him with it"  "THATS BECAUSE YOU SWUNG SO HARD THAT IF IT WAS SOMETHING ELSE HE WOULD HAVE DROPPED DEAD" Finney exclaimed bursting in laughter. "I never knew you were so brave Roni or you Finney" Gwen said with a small smile. "Me neither" I said shaking my head. "I did , everyone brave they just need something to bring it out in them" robin said with a smile. Everyone sat in silence for a second, "Robin that was so cheesy" I said giggling, Gwen and Finney burst into laughter as Robin got red with a sheepish smile, "okay sorry my best friends got kidnapped I might be a little cheesy" he said. "Guys, robins gone soft for us" I said giggling, Finney and Gwen laughed even more, he rolled his eyes, "you guys were kidnapped! Roni for almost a month and Finney for half a month!" He exclaimed. I giggled, "I'm only messing with you arrellano" I said kicking him, he grabbed my foot and twisted me around, "ROBIN" I said laughing, Gwen jumped on my back, "dog pile!!" She said. "No guys cmon Finney help" I said in between laughs. He walked over toward me, without saying a word he joined the dog pile. "TRAITOR" I said dying of laughter. We stayed in Finneys room for awhile, just enjoying each others company since it's been forever, "so what was it like when you guys saw my flyer?" Finney asked. "I found out from Gwen actually" Robin said. Gwen nodded, "I knew it before it even happened, I just knew" she said. I nodded, "did they use a bad fucking picture of me because I swear to god!" I said with a smile. "Here's the flyer" Gwen said with a giggle pulling out a flyer, "hey Robin took this picture!" I said. "I wonder why they didn't use your school picture like they did every kid?" Gwen wondered aloud. "I missed school pictures I think" I said with a small giggle. "What happened at school?" Finney asked. "Well everyone stared at me and Robin at the assembly's they had for you guys" Gwen said rolling her eyes. Robin nodded in agreement, "I got into a fight the day you went missing" Robin said pointing at me. "No fucking way" I said shaking my head. "He did" Finney said with a smirk. "Why" i asked. "Because at the assembly Mason was talking shit" he said shaking his head. I nodded, "well I got into a fight the day I went missing too" i said. "With who?" Gwen said. "The grabber" I said with a smirk. We all looked at eachother before bursting out laughing. It was obvious me and Finneys coping mechanism was joking, and Gwen and Robin understood that. We all had a mutual agreeing to just pretend things were normal, just for that night, me and Finney were so used to something that isn't normal that we just wanted one night, Gwen and Robin knew not to make us feel any different, we were the same kids who laughed at stupid jokes, the same kids who bonded over rocket ships in second grade. The only different thing was we proved our strength. That was all that was important. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Gwen, "Roni?" She asked snapping her fingers infront of me. "Yeah sorry" I said. She giggled, "someone's daydreaming" she said. "Am not" I said. "Well we were asking if you and Finney were going back to school" Robin said. "I just got out of a shit hole I don't want to go back to one" I said. Finney giggled while Robin and Gwen looked at eachother and shook their head. "Fine I'll go" I said rolling my eyes. "Hey and by the way what were you guys doing at the house across from us?" I asked Gwen and Robin. "You won't believe us" Robin said. "Try me"


They all have mommy and daddy issues </3💀

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