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"I HAVE TO PICK YOU UP? IN WHAT?" Robin said to me. "We can just walk there but I don't want to walk alone" I said in an obvious tone. Gwen giggled, "I can't wait for you guys to go on a date" she said. "Same" Finney said. I rolled my eyes, "I don't get it why?" I asked. Finney and gwen looked at eachother and laughed. I rolled my eyes as we made it to school. Donna was at her locker when she saw us and approached us, "hey!" She said. "Hey Donna" I said with a smile, Robin elbowed Finney to stop gawking at the girl, "ow! Oh Um hey Donna" he said sheepishly. I giggled at the interaction, "I'm excited for the date tonight" she said. "Wait what are we even doing again?" I said. Finney glared at me, "it's not my fault someone never told me" I said returning the glare, "we were just gonna go to the new arcade place" she said with a smile. "Okay sounds fun" I said. She smiled. We all went to our lockers and made our way to our classes. School droned on and on untill it was my last class, the class I had with Donna. I walked in and sat in my regular seat, doing the same thing I do everyday, Donna came and sat beside me, "I'm excited for tonight" she said with a smile. I smiled, "me too" I said. She giggled, "so are you and Robin like secretly dating" she asked, "what? No why?" I said. "Because you guys always stare at eachother and stuff and everyone thinks your dating" she said. "We do not stare at eachother" I said. "Oh yeah? Turn around" she said. I turned around and sure enough my eyes locked with robins before he turned away, "okay..." I said. "So do you like him?" She said. My eyes widened as my cheeks got red, "no... I don't think so atleast" I said. "Oh come on you have to" she said. "I don't know..." I said. She giggled, "yeah well your red as a tomato" she said. "Okay fine I might but idk and you better not tell anyone" I said. She smiled, "I would never girl code" she said raising her pinkie, "girl code" I said interlocking our pinkies, "Veronica and Donna why don't you share to the class what's so important you must interrupt my class for" Ms. Kavonsky said. I rolled my eyes, "well we were just talking about how veronica-" I cut her off by slapping my hand to her mouth, "how I needed help because I was confused and didn't want to slow down the class" I said my face getting red. Ms. Kavonsky just stared, "fine" she said and walked to her desk, I let out a sigh of relief and turned to Donna, "what happened to girl code Donna" I said. She giggled, "I was only seeing what you would do" she said. I huffed and rolled my eyes jokingly glaring at her, she smiled and I couldn't help but start to giggle, soon enough we were in a fit of laughter.  Soon enough the bell finally rang, I made my way to my locker before being stopped by someone, I turned around, "oh hey Robin" I said. "What was that" he said. "What was what" "when kavassky was getting onto you guys and you slapped donnas mouth shut" "oh Donna was being stupid" I said shaking my head with a smile. "Why" I said. "Just wondering" he said with a shrug. "I'm excited for our date I'll pick you up" he said bowing down wiggling his eyebrows, I rolled my eyes, "goodbye Robin" I said giggling. "See you tonight" he called out, I walked out the school doors, Robin got detention so he couldn't walk with me, Finney ans gwen home.  "What happened with you and Donna today in kavasskys class" Finney asked. "Oh Donna was being stupid" I said. "Don't tell me your replacing me" gwen said. "I would never" I said, "pinky promise?" "Pinky promise." I said.  "Okay good" she said. "Alright by Finney I'll see you tonight" I said "by gwen!" I yelled. I walked into my house, "dad?" I said. "Honey..." he said. "What the fuck? You leave while im in some fucking random ass guys basement and I escape and you ghost me? What the hell? I needed you. I had to pick up my life right back where I left off without you, I cleaned, I cooked and I had to use my money for fucking food dad" I said yelling at him. "I know your mad honey but I just-" "no you just ghosted, you have no idea how hard it was without you" I said coldly. I went up to my room and plugged my Walkman, it blasted in my ears as I waited for the time to go out.  I sat down on my desk and began writing down songs to add to my walkman, eventually it was time for the arcade so I patiently waited for Robin to get here, soon enough the doorbell rang. I rushed down stairs and I was met with my dad who had already opened the door and Robin standing there awkwardly, "hey sorry" I said. Robin smiled, "where are you going" my dad said. "Out." I said and shut the door behind me. I sighed, but quickly mustered up a smile and looked to Robin. He smiled, "why hello there ms I'm here to pick up veronica Rodriguez" he said in an awful British accent. "That accent was ass" I said with a playful scoff. He rolled his eyes, "well sorry I'm not a professional yet" he said. I giggled as we walked down the street, the arcade was only a few blocks away, the walk was silent, not awkward but there was a tension in the air. I didn't know why, it never has been like that with me and Robin, maybe it was because we were going on a date, or maybe it was the fact that hours before I admitted that I had feelings for my best friend. I was snapped out of my thoughts once we made it to the arcade, I looked up into the large windows and Donna and Finney were already there, we walked in and the two looked relieved when they saw us, immediately rushing toward us, "what's wrong?" I asked, they looked at eachother, "it's fucking awkward" Finney admitted, him and Donna looked at eachother before bursting into fits of laughter. It seemed that after that everyone loosened up. "What game should we play next" Donna asked. "Let's play air hockey" I said with a smirk looking at Robin. "Nope. No way." Robin said crossing his arms. "Why?" Donna asked. "Because he sucks ass at air hockey" I said. "No I dont" he said acting offended, "prove it" I said. "Okay deal" he said. I rolled my eyes as the four of us walked toward the air hockey table, I put in a couple quarters and waited for the puck to shoot out of one of our slots, Robin ended up getting the puck. He grabbed his handle and slammed the puck near my goal but I blocked it with my handle, I shot the puck right into his slot. "What the hell!" He exclaimed. "You got it first try" he said struggling to get the puck out of his slot. "It's not that hard Robin you just suck" I said. He rolled his eyes and shot the puck into my goal, he smiled triumphantly, "luck" I said shaking my head. The game went on like this for a couple more minutes untill the time ended and I won 10-8. "Ha! I told you, you suck" I said elbowing him slightly. "Oh what ever" he said placing his arm around my shoulders. "I'm hungry" he said. "Me too" Donna said. We all agreed to go eat pizza at a booth. After we ate we played a couple more games before it was time to leave, Finneys dad came and picked up Finney and Donna so me and Robin had to walk home. We walked outside and it was raining.

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