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Meredith has invited the new Doctor to the party tonight, my issue is that she made a hell of a racket today. It pissed me off, can you tell? I'm her boss, she's a neurosurgeon but apparently Bailey loves her so I can't even get her fired.

- Maggie : What's with the steam coming out of Amelia's ears?

- Amelia : Meredith has invited the new neurosurgeon who was having a concert in her office all day

- Meredith : Can you just be nice? Her fiancé is a firefighter and her daughter is one of the cutest little girls you ever have seen

- Amelia : I don't care, she kept me from working

- Maggie : Well I'm excited to meet her

- Meredith : It means there are more friends for the kids

- Link : I just put Scout down for a nap

Link. Me and him are over, he knows that. It took a while for him to get over it but he knows we're through. He's my friend but I'd never get into a relationship with him again.

- Bailey : Grey. Me and Jones are here

- Maggie : Is Jones her?

- Meredith : Yeah

So I finically get to see the woman I'm in charge of but that I can't fire.


I'm so fucking nervous. I just hope everyone like me. I don't want to be the hated new doctor.

- Meredith : Hello again Y/n. This is my sister, Maggie. Maggie this is Y/n

- Maggie : It's so nice to meet you

- y/n : You too. This is my daughter Winnie and my fiancé Jack

- Maggie : Hello to the both of you. If you follow me Winnie I'll show you where the rest of the kids are

- y/n : I'll be around if you need me

Winnie gets a little anxious in new environments. I wonder where she gets that from? You can tell she's my child. Jack has ahold of my hand and Meredith is getting us drinks so I should be fine.

- Link : Hi. I'm Link, ortho

- y/n : Y/n, neuro

- Link : Oh cool. Over there is Amelia, she's the head of neuro. My boss is the woman with black hair with the blonde haired woman. That's Callie and the blonde woman is head of peds and her name is Arizona

- y/n : Thanks

- April : Jack Gibson? I didn't know your wife was a surgeon. Sorry, how rude. I didn't introduce myself. I'm April, I work in the ER. Me and Owen have treated Jack a few times. Owen?

This is kind of overwhelming but as long as I keep myself grounded I should be fine.

- Owen : Gibson

- Jack : Doctor Hunt, this is my fiancé Y/n

- Owen : Nice to meet you

So much for keeping myself grounded. I can feel myself drifting. There are a hell of a lot of people here. I guess I wasn't expecting the whole hospital to be here.

- y/n : Do you have bathroom I could use?

- Maggie : Yeah, let me show you the way

- y/n : Thanks

- Maggie : Are you okay? You look kind of pale

- y/n : Yeah, I'm just feeling a little bit overwhelmed

- Maggie : Oh I understand that. When I first started working here I didn't know I was related to Meredith and Richard. Everyone's really nice when you get to know them. Look when you're ready we can go back out there and I'll set you up with a small group of people who are really nice. I'll be there

Thank the fucking lord for Maggie. Instead of letting me get on with it she's trying to help. If Jack knew I was overwhelmed and had panicked then he'd make us go home.

- Maggie : Ready?

- y/n : Mhm

- Maggie : You'll be fine, come on. We're going to go sit with Teddy, Arizona, Callie and Bailey. They're calm and nice and you shouldn't be overwhelmed

- y/n : Thank you for this. Not everyone would help someone they've just met

- Maggie : But people help their friends and we're friends in my book

Friends. I'm making friends. That's good.

- Maggie : Bailey, obviously you know Y/n but Callie, Arizona, Teddy, this is Y/n

- Teddy : Hey

- Arizona : Come, sit. Tell us about you

- y/n : Right, I'm a neurosurgeon. It's been my dream since I was a kid. I'm engaged to a firefighter over there, he's called Jack and I have a daughter, Winnie, she's 7

- Callie : Meredith told us about Winnie, said that there is another kid joining the group so sleepovers will be huge now

- Bailey : I am so glad my boys are older and Pru is younger. None of that sleepover nonsense, not in my house

- Callie : Just wait until Pru grows up. You'll feel like your a hotel for girls. Sofia has friends round every weekend. It's chaos

- Teddy : I thought she stays with her Dad every weekend

- Arizona : Not recently, Mark's been having her during the week so she can have sleepovers. We should ask Mark and Lexie to have Sofia and her friends for the sleepovers

So by the sounds of things Sofia is the child of Callie, Arizona and Mark. Teddy is with Owen and Maggie is dating a guy who isn't here but who's called Winston.

- Callie : So your daughter is the tall, new one with two braids?

- y/n : Yeah. Which one's yours?

- Sofia : MOM!

- Arizona : I'm being called for. I'll be back.

- Callie : That's Sofia

- y/n : Planned?

- Callie : No, no. I slept with her Dad when me and Arizona were on a break. Was Winnie planned?

- y/n : Nope. Drunken hookup between best friends which resulted in a baby and a relationship

- Bailey : I'll be back. I'm going to get myself another drink

Maggie's left but it's fine. I'm fine now I've got my people.

- Arizona : She fell over so I told her to go ask Mark for some candy

- Callie : Good thing she's staying at his tonight

- Jack : Hey babe

- y/n : Jack, this is Callie, Arizona and Teddy

- Teddy : Nice to meet you Jack

- Winnie : Mommm

- y/n : What's wrong?

- Winnie : I'm tired

- y/n : What's the time?

- Teddy : Half nine

- y/n : Alright. Come here

I've got Winnie sat on my lap, sleeping on me but she's had a busy day. She's met loads of new people and has been running around a lot. It's tiring being a 7 year old.

Authors Notes
Have a drink and a
snack please

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