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I can't imagine what Y/n is going through. I just want to hold her but Link won't stop trying to get me to go on a date with him. I know I asked him in for a drink but I regret it. I want Y/n.

- Link : So, how does that sound?

- Amelia : Huh?

- Link : Dinner, tonight. At the little restaurant-

- Amelia : Link, I think you've gotten the wrong end of the stick. I don't want to get back together

- Link : But you said you thought we should try again. That Scout needs us both

- Amelia : I'm sorry Link. We don't want the same things. You want marriage, I don't.

- Link : Oh

I know I shouldn't have asked if he wanted to come in but I thought Y/n was going to stay with Jack. I didn't really expect them to split up.

- Amelia : Hey

- y/n : Mhm

- Amelia : Want to go home?

- y/n : Yeah

- Amelia : You'll need to give me the address, I don't know where you're staying

Turns out she's staying at her brothers. Her brother is here, at the hospital, and Winnie is at her Dad's which means me and Y/n will be alone, again.

- y/n : You coming in?

- Amelia : Yeah

- y/n : Alright. I'm staying in the guest room now instead of on the sofa

- Amelia : You were on the sofa?

- y/n : Yeah. Scott and Chloe have decorated the nursery and only had one guest room. Winnie was sleeping there so she got a good nights sleep before school

- Amelia : If you'd told me then you could've come and stayed at mine

- y/n : I didn't want to burden you

She's not a burden.


I have so many thoughts swirling round my head. Mainly about my Pa. If he doesn't want to fight it then we'll have to plan a funeral except Scott is about to have a baby so he can't help plan it and Dad will have just lost the love of his life so I guess it'll just be me planning it.

- Amelia : Hey, welcome back to reality. What were you thinking about?

- y/n : I'm going to be the only one planning my Pa's funeral. Scott has a baby on the way and my Dad will have just lost his husband

- Amelia : If you want help, I can help you. I've helped plan my share of funerals

- y/n : I can't ask that of you

- Amelia : I'm offering, for a friend

- y/n : Thanks

She called me her friend. Do friends kiss like we do? Do friends do what we do?

- y/n : We're confusing

- Amelia : What do you mean?

- y/n : We kiss and we flirt and my Dad gave me a big talk about how I should let myself love again after Jack but we're just friends.

- Amelia : What's wrong with being friends?

- y/n : I don't think I want to be friends anymore

- Amelia : What do you want to be?

- y/n : I don't know. What do you want to be?

- Amelia : Yours.

This girl.

- Amelia : Sorry. That was blunt

- y/n : Mhm

- Amelia : And you just got out of a serious relationship. I shouldn't have said anything. Forget I said anything

- y/n : No, I can't get into a relationship but it would be nice to have someone to be close to

- Amelia : Yeah, I get that feeling

- y/n : Yeah

- Amelia : Do you want me to be the person you can be close to?


- y/n : If you want me to be the person you can be close to then yes

- Amelia : I do

If I'd said 'I do' a week ago this wouldn't be happening right now. Or it would and I'd be cheating on Jack, again.

- y/n : Okay

- Amelia : Can I kiss you?

- y/n : You don't have to ask

- Amelia : Can I put my hands here?

On my hips, her thumbs through the belt loops on my jeans.

- y/n : If I can put mine here

Interlocked behind her head, holding onto the tips of her hair.

- Amelia : I'm going to kiss you now

- y/n : You don't need to narrate it. Put your lips on mine and put your tongue in my mouth. Please

- Amelia : You have so much control over me. I-

- y/n : Amelia.

- Amelia : What?

- y/n : Fucking kiss me already

Only took us a while to get there. This time it's different. We're not friends kissing. We're also not keeping our hands still. She's pulled my hips closer to her and I've pulled her head closer to me, like I can't get enough. No like, I actually can't get enough of her, her lips, her eyes, her hair. I shouldn't be thinking this way, we're just close.

- Amelia : That got heated

- y/n : Yeah

- Amelia : Okay, I'm going to propose an idea, don't knock it down straight away

- y/n : I won't

- Amelia : Take time to think about it, a few days if you need it. I propose friends-with-benefits until you're ready for a relationship

I need to let my brain think, not my heart or anything else.

- Amelia : Like I said, you don't need to answer today

- y/n : Okay, I'll get back to you with an answer

- Amelia : Does that put things on a pause?

- y/n : You can kiss me again if that's what you're asking

She's got me up against the island in the kitchen and I'm not complaining.

- Amelia : We should stop

- y/n : Yeah

- Amelia : You're so pretty

- Chloe : Y/N? ARE YOU HERE?

- y/n : You're prettier. IN THE KITCHEN. GOT COMPANY

Chloe has really interrupted something good in this shitty fucking day.

Authors Note
Have a drink and a
snack please

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