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Wedding day. I've spent the entirety of the last week thinking about Amelia and how me and Jack just aren't great. We haven't spent anytime together where we weren't arguing. I don't think Jack's the one but I know I have to marry him. I've got to marry him for Winnie. She needs stability

- Winnie : Mom, does my dress look pretty?

- y/n : The prettiest

- Winnie : I'm happy that you and Dad are getting married. You argue lots but maybe you won't once you're married?

- y/n : Maybe bug

- Winnie : You look pretty Mom

- y/n : Thank you bug

My brother is walking me down the isle instead of my Dad's but that fine as not many people are going to the wedding and it doesn't have to be traditional. It's just Jack's friends, my family, Callie, Arizona, Lexie, Mark and Sofia. That's pretty much it. I invited Amelia but she didn't RSVP so I guess she's not coming. It's for the best.

- Ernie : Oh Y/n. You look beautiful

- y/n : Thanks Pa

- Tim : You're sure you want to do this? You can turn back whenever

- y/n : I know Dad

- Tim : I was just saying

- Scott : Ahh look at my little sister on her wedding day

- y/n : Mhm

- Scott : Alright everyone out except the bride. I need a heart to heart with my little sister

Scott knows I need to cry. Chloe has probably told him about me kissing Amelia so it'll probably be about that. Or about Lewis, god knows I miss him.

- Scott : Come here. You can cry, he was supposed to be here

- y/n : I wish he was here

- Scott : Me too. I remember the day Dad and Pa bought you home, Lewis was so excited to have a little sister. He's watching over you, over all of us

- y/n : You're not supposed to encourage crying on your sisters wedding day

- Scott : Is it really your wedding day? From what I've heard from Chloe and what I've seen, he isn't the one

- y/n : I've got to do it, for Winnie

- Chloe : Guys, it's time

Fuck I'm so fucking nervous. I keep thinking about this one thing Amelia said. 'Sometimes we break promises and that's okay because everything works out in the end'. Am I allowed to break my promise so it can work out in the end? I just want to be happy and Jack doesn't make me happy anymore.

- Ben : We're here to witness the marriage between two people we dearly love. Y/n Jones and Jack Gibson. I believe they have written their own-

- y/n : Erm, can we stop?

- Jack : What? Why?

- y/n : I can't do this

- Jack : Do what?

- y/n : Marry you. It's not right. All we do is fight and I thought it would stop after the wedding but a piece of paper doesn't change things. I can't marry you. I need to get out of here

Of course Chloe and Scott are already stood up holding car keys. Never in my whole life did I think I'd be running away from my wedding. Scott is carrying Winnie so I don't have to panic about where she is. What the fuck am I doing?

- Chloe : Runaway bride. Hell yeah

- Scott : Language

- Chloe : Heck yeah

- Winnie : Mom, why are we leaving?

- Scott : Right so you know how sometime a Mom and Dad aren't married and doesn't live together? Well that's what your parents are going to do

- Winnie : Mom?

- y/n : Yes bug?

- Winnie : If you're happy and Dad's happy then it's okay that you don't get married

- y/n : I love you

- Winnie : I love you too Mom

I broke my promise to Jack but everything is going to be okay, it has to be. I can't fuck things up anymore. I like Amelia. She's my boss and I asked her to kiss me. I like women and I like men. It's something I've always repressed I guess.

- Chloe : Let's get you home, changed and let's pack a bag. You can stay at ours

- Winnie : Where do I stay?

- Scott : You can both stay at ours for the week then Winnie can stay with her Dad for a week

- y/n : What if he takes me to court?

- Winnie : What's court?

- y/n : Come here. I'm so sorry I didn't marry your Dad

- Winnie : It's okay Mom. You won't cry anymore

It's hurts that Winnie knows I've cried over the arguments between me and her Dad. She's 7 but she knows way too much.


Where are you?


This isn't funny

Let me go

No, not without a

I don't want you to
fight for me. I'm done


All we do is argue,
You refuse to touch me,
I don't feel the same,
I want to be happy,
Weren't aren't meant to be.
There are so many reasons,
it's just easier this way.

I never thought I'd be this girl. Running away from my wedding.

- Winnie : Mom? Should I pack my ballet stuff and my guitar?

- y/n : Yeah. One of us adults will get your guitar

- Scott : She can use my guitar, saves bringing hers

- Chloe : I'll help Winnie pack. Babe you help your sister

- Scott : Come on then. Let's get these bags packed

It's just easier if I'm out the house before Jack get's home.

- Scott : You go get changed, I'll pack t-shirts and jeans so you can do your underwear when you get out the bathroom

- y/n : Thank you for helping

- Scott : No problem. Always here to help my little sister

I was supposed to have tomorrow off so I could spend the day with my husband and child but I'm considering going to work. I know Scott and Chloe will take Winnie with them to work because they own the company. I just want something to feel normal. I want that place to be work. Work is my safe place

Authors Note
Have a drink and a
snack please

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