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This is the fifth night in a row that Y/n has had a nightmare. All I can do is wake her up and hold her until she calms down.

- Amelia : It's just me. Hey

- y/n : Fuck. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up again

- Amelia : I said it's fine. Do you want to talk about it?

- y/n : Not really

- Amelia : I'm here if you want to. I won't judge

I need to let her come to me. I'll be there whenever she needs me but I will never force her to open up to me.

- y/n : I'm cold

- Amelia : Come close then

- y/n : But I'm cold and I don't want to make you cold

- Amelia : I'll come closer to you then. Fuck you are cold

- y/n : Shhh. I'm asleep

- Amelia : Sure you are. I guess you don't want a kiss before you go back to bed then

- y/n : I didn't say that. Gimme my kiss

This is how most nights go if I'm being honest.


I can't work today, sorry.
I've been throwing all
morning and I don't want
to make everyone else ill.

It's fine Grey, me and Y/n
are going in anyway. We're
family, I understand if you
need a day off. Get well

Thank you both so much.
I'll cover your shift once
I'm less ill

Going to work stops me worrying about Y/n and stops Y/n thinking about her family.

- Amelia : Good morning. We've got to work today

- y/n : I thought Lexie was in

- Amelia : She's been throwing up all morning so we've got to go in. She had a cool surgery this morning I'll let you do

- y/n : You're the best

- Amelia : Go get ready. I'll wake Scout up and get him dressed if you make breakfast

- y/n : What would you like me to make?

- Amelia : Blueberry pancakes. Thank you

I'm predictable. Scout sleeps in Winnie's bed when she's at her Dad's which means I don't have to go home very often. Only to get clothes and I seem to steal Y/n's anyway so that's not a problem.

- Amelia : Breakfast smells good

- y/n : Thank you. That's my sweater from college

- Amelia : I know. Can I wear it?

- y/n : Yeah it's just that you went to Johns-Hopkins and everyone knows it. I went to Harvard and everyone knows it. They'll know about us

- Amelia : That's fine

I don't mind if everyone at work knows about us. I'm pretty sure they have their suspicions anyway.

- y/n : What time do we finish tonight?

- Amelia : Like 8. Jack is picking Winnie up from dance and we're picking her up when we finish?

- y/n : Yeah. Hopefully she's doing better

- Amelia : What do you mean?

- y/n : Jack said she can't sleep without an adult with her because she doesn't want them to leave like Pa

- Amelia : Oh jesus. If she needs someone while she's here there's the both of us

- y/n : Do we have Scout tonight?

- Amelia : No. Link wants him for the night which is fine by me. It means you, me and Winnie can have a girls night

Girls night means we put on whatever film Winnie wants to watch while eating pizza and doing face masks and each other's nails. It's a good way for me and Winnie to get to know each other before she finds out that I'm dating her Mom.

- y/n : Want me to drop Scout off at daycare? I don't mind

- Amelia : Sure. I'll send the charts to you for that surgery. You've got about an hour until the surgery so you should be fine. I believe in you

- y/n : Thank you. If I don't see you before surgery, have a good day

She's cute. She always tells me to have a good day and offered to do stuff for me even though I've told her not to.


Everyone is giving me weird looks, it's probably because Amelia was wearing my sweater from med-school.

- Arizona : Hey, are you okay?

- y/n : Yeah, why?

- Arizona : Link told Callie who told me that apparently you have a problem and I wanted you to know you can talk to me

- y/n : A problem?

- Arizona : Link told Callie that you hurt yourself

- y/n : I, erm, no. That's a lie

- Arizona : If you ever need to talk to someone then you can come to me although I saw a certain brunette in your Harvard sweater today. Since when has that been a thing?

- y/n : Since the day before Pa died

- Arizona : Ooo, well you look happy, as happy as someone who's recently lost their Dad can be.

Link's been telling people about my coping methods? He could only have known about that from one person. One person I trusted and told.

- Amelia : Hey. You did amazing in that surgery

- y/n : Mhm

- Amelia : Are you okay? Do you need to go to your office for a second?

- y/n : No.

- Amelia : Have I done something?

Yes, she's told people, she told Link something personal that I trusted her with. Now Link is telling everyone. I don't need everyone to know my past and my coping mechanisms. I need a while to think about what she's done and told people.

- Amelia : You ready to go home?

- y/n : I think it might be best if you sleep at your place tonight

- Amelia : Oh okay. Text me if you need me

I'm upset. I'm a little mad but mainly just upset. I thought I could trust her with that information. I thought it was a given that I wanted her not to tell people.

Authors Note
Sorry for not updating.
If your collecting your
GCSE results like I am
on Thursday then I wish
you luck. Have a drink
and a snack please

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