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I was wrong. We did still have a relationship. We still have a relationship now, 6 and a half years later.

- Winnie : Mommm. Scout is touching my guitar

- y/n : Scout, next time, ask. Winnie, it wouldn't hurt to help teach Scout. You were younger then him when you started playing guitar

- Scout : Okay

- y/n : I'll talk with your Mom and see what she think about getting you into guitar lessons

- Scout : Yay

- y/n : Both of you, tidy up. Uncle Scott's family is coming over

- Winnie : Is Leila coming?

- y/n : Yes. Scott is barbecuing

We live together, me and Amelia. Winnie spends two weeks at mine and then two weeks at Jack's. She's a teenager now so she needs a little more stability then moving around every week. If two weeks is too often then we can make it longer and she can do weekends.

- Amelia : Hey

- y/n : Hi, busy day at work?

- Amelia : Not really. I invited Lexie and Mark for dinner

- y/n : That's fine. We bought too much food anyway

- Amelia : I'm going to go say hi to the kids and get changed. I'll be down in a second

Today is July 4th which means we're having a get together/party. We'd invite more people if they weren't busy doing their own thing.

- Chloe : Heyyyy

- y/n : Where's the baby?

- Chloe : He's not a baby anymore Y/n, he gets mad when we call him baby

- Lewis : Auntie Y/n!!

- y/n : Hey guys. Scott, you have some more grey hairs. Being a Dad getting to you?

- Scott : Shut up

- Lewis : That's not nice. Mommy says to say be quiet

Me and Scott are doing as well as we were before Pa died.

- Leila : Hey

- y/n : Hey. Winnie's upstairs tidying the playroom with Scout

- Leila : Okay, cool.

Leila is Scott and Chloe's foster daughter. She's a year older then Winnie so they get along and she's a great fit to the family. Scott and Chloe are planning on asking if they can adopt her soon.

- Lewis : Daddy said he was going to cook the bestest burgers

- y/n : Well you've never had Auntie Y/n's burgers. They're even better

- Chloe : I'm going to set up in the sun

- Scott : Is the grill already on?

- y/n : Yeah. Drinks are in the fridge, help yourself. Kid drinks on the bottom and middle shelf, adult drinks in the drawers

- Lewis : Can I have an adult drink? I'm a big boy

- y/n : These are old people drinks. You can have one when your 21

He'll probably drink before that but for now he can know that the legal age is 21 and that's when he's allowed 'adult drinks'.

- Amelia : Hey Lewis. Scout will be down in a second. Did you bring your swim shorts?

- Lewis : Mommy has them. She's a meanie and said I'm not allowed to swim after I eat

- y/n : Your Mom is right. If you wait an hour then you can swim again. SCOUT, LEWIS IS HERE

- Amelia : He's just getting changed into his trunks

Lewis is off to get his trunks from Chloe which means me and Amelia are alone and that doesn't happen very often. Normally we always have a kid or some family in the same room as us.

- Amelia : I missed you today

- y/n : I missed you too

- Amelia : Do you think we have time to run upstairs?

- y/n : Hmm no. Winnie and Leila are up there and our family is outside

- Amelia : Hmm not fair. Are you getting in the pool?

- y/n : Yep. I can't hide my thigh scars forever. It's time to live in the moment, you know?

- Amelia : Go get changed into your swim suit. I'll let Lexie in when she gets here

It does scare me that everyone is going to see my legs but it's part of my past and I'm better now, I'm actually better. Amelia helped me get help and I'm still in therapy now but I'm better. A fuck load better then I was.

- Chloe : Amelia told me to come up here. Is everything okay?

- y/n : Yeah. Just getting changed to get in the pool with the kids

- Chloe : So why would Amelia tell me to come up here?

- y/n : I have some scars which are pretty visible and are also pretty obviously self inflicted

- Chloe : That's fine. We're family, we don't judge. You're okay though, yeah?

- y/n : I am now

- Chloe : Get that swim suit on and get that ass in the pool. Your friends from work are here by the way. Very cute baby

- y/n : Avery is adorable. She's named after one of our friends from work who helped Lexie give birth in their apartment while Mark was at a conference

Avery Sloan is the spitting image of Mark just with Lexie's eyes. Lexie gave birth during a storm and Mark was in New York at a conference. Jackson was there and helped Lexie have a home birth, hence the name Avery.

- y/n : Hey guys

- Lexie : Hey. We bought more soda for the kids and to act as a mixer

- y/n : Okay. If Avery needs a nap later you can use mine and Amelia's bed. There's so many cushions on there that she won't roll off

- Mark : Jones, that is a nice swim suit

- Lexie : We're engaged, Mark. Keep your eyes to yourself

- Mark : I know, I was just complimenting my friend

- Lexie : Sure you were. Let's go see everyone Avery

Callie and Arizona were planning to move to New York but are staying so Mark can be near Sofia and so that Avery knows her sister.

- Amelia : There's my hot girlfriend

- Winnie : Ewww

- y/n : Amelia, baby, kids are around

- Amelia : Come sit over here

- Lexie : Damn, if I wasn't marrying Mark then Amelia would have some competition

- Mark : So you can flirt with Y/n but I can't

- Lexie : I'm straight, I would never date Y/n. You're straight, you would date Y/n

- Amelia : What can I say? I have impeccable taste in women

I fucking love my girlfriend. She's a great hypewoman. I never feel insecure for long around Amelia.

Authors Note
This story is coming
to an end. Have a drink
and a snack please

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