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I've texted and called Amelia and Y/n but neither of them have answered. I'm only calling because Meredith isn't coming home and that means they should lock up the house. Here I am in the middle of the night, telling them to answer their phones before I go back to my date.

- Maggie : Guys, you nee-

They're asleep together, Amelia's arm is around Y/n. They aren't fighting or switching up with each other. They're being nice.

- Ellis : Auntie Maggie?

- Maggie : What're you doing up Ellis?

- Ellis : I couldn't sleep and Auntie Amelia said to get her if I couldn't sleep

- Maggie : Auntie Amelia is already asleep. Want me to put you to bed?

- Ellis : Yes please

I haven't seen Amelia sleeping with that smile on her face in ages.


My phone is buzzing but I can't get up, there's someone pinning me down, well , more like holding me down.

- Amelia : Mhm

- y/n : I need to get this

- Amelia : Nooo. Cold without you

- y/n : It's my Dad. Give me a second

- Amelia : Ugh

She's clingy when she's a half asleep but after our deep conversation last night I understand why she me clinging on. She doesn't want me to leave now she's told me more about her and honestly same, I don't want her to leave me.

- y/n : Hey Dad. It's the middle of the night

- Tim : It's your Pa

- y/n : What's wrong with Pa?

- Ernie : Is that Y/n/n?

- y/n : Dad, what's wrong?

- Tim : Your Pa couldn't catch his breath. We're on our way to the hospital. They're got him hooked up to- What is it dear?

- Vic : High flow oxygen

- Tim : Did you get that?

- y/n : Put me on the phone with Vic please Dad

Pa is old. Things go wrong when you get old. The body only lasts so long.

- Vic : Y/n?

- y/n : What's wrong with my Pa?

- Vic : I can't do any tests from here. Just get to the hospital. We'll meet you there. I'll wait with them until you get there

- y/n : Alright. Pass me back over to my Dad

- Tim : Hello dear

- y/n : Right Dad. I'm going to meet you at the hospital. Just tell Pa to keep breathing and that he's in good hands with Vic. She's so good at her god and when you get to the hospital, Owen or April will be waiting. They're both really good at their jobs so he'll be in good hands. I'll be there soon Dad

- Tim : Okay Sweetie. We'll see you in a bit

Well now I'm awake.

- Amelia : What's wrong?

- y/n : My Pa is on his way to hospital. He can't catch his breath so they've got him on high flow oxygen

- Amelia : Alright. Let's go

- y/n : The kids. We can't leave them here

- Amelia : Shit. I can call Link

- y/n : You don't have to come if you don't want

- Amelia : I want to

Link is on the way and me and Amelia are ready to leave as soon as he is. There's a note in the kitchen for him to read so we don't waste time chatting. I just need to get to the hospital and make sure my Pa is okay.

- Amelia : He's going to be okay

- y/n : I hope

- Amelia : Come here. I've got you, just calm down. We don't need to panic

- Link : Hey

- Amelia : Thank you for this. I owe you

- Link : Let me take you on another date. It'll go better then last time

Date? Last time? I know they were together because that's how Scout exists but last time makes it sound more recent. Y'know what? I just want to see my Pa.

- Amelia : Let's go

- y/n : Can you drive a little quicker?

- Amelia : I'm going at the speed limit. I'm not going to risk our lives

- y/n : Mhm

All I know is that my Pa couldn't catch his breath. That might just be a little cold but it might also be something life-threatening.

- y/n : April? Have you had Ernie Jones come in yet?

- April : Yeah. He's just gone off for tests. You'll find him in CT

- y/n : Thank you

- Amelia : Let's go find your Dad, gimme your hand. Let's go

I like holding her hand. It's soft and warm. Jack used to avoid holding my hand because he said it was always hot and sweaty. It's not something I can help but Amelia doesn't seem to mind. I don't know if she knows it's calming me down but it is so I thank her for that otherwise we all know I'd be spiralling.

- y/n : Dad? How's Pa?

- Tim : He's in there with a Doctor Hunt. Lovely lady

- y/n : Okay, where's Vic?

- Tim : She's gone to get a coffee. Do you know what's wrong with your Pa?

- y/n : I haven't seen the doctor Dad. I'm as clueless as you

- Tim : I'm sorry, we haven't been introduced. I'm Tim, Y/n's father. You are?

- Amelia : Sorry, Amelia Shepherd

- Tim : Are you a surgeon?

- Amelia : I am sir. Neurology

- Tim : Oh another one of the smart ones. We never thought Y/n was going to get into med school. She was a very sad child, no one knows why

Yes they do. They just don't want to acknowledge it. I was the first person to see my brother when he died and I didn't even know he was dead. I just knelt next to him and kept shaking him until I called for my Dad's. But no, I was just a sad child to them.

Authors Note
Have a drink and a
snack please

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