Episode 15

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Sorry for updating after soooo long,

As planned everyone were decided to go for a lunch, since Siv needs to go home as she didn't go home for 2 days so she decided to go home leaving Sam and his friends to go for lunch as the boys needs some time alone. So she left in a taxi, even though Sam insist to drop her off but she didn't want to as the boys wanted to speak to him about some cultural stuff.

Siv left so it was only boys left and everyone were just waiting to leave for lunch but surya wanted to speak about something so he started the conversation??

Surya; dai Sam I know that you wanted to work and all but how are you going to handle the practice and college work?

Sam; I made up my mind and that's final, and I will handle it don't worry, college is finishing soon so it will be hectic for few months then I'll be done with college.

Surya; but still would you be able to do well in exam and how are you so sure that your concentration will not be affected!

Sam; I know you guys are just worried but I will be find, to achieve we all need to go through this phase of our life! Why don't you guys believe in me

Surya; nothing like that but still we wanted to make sure

Sam; did Siv say anything?

Surya and others; no she said to be there for you

Sam; (smiles)  Mm thanks da macha lunch polama?

Others; yeah let's go

After the short conversation everyone went for lunch and Sam missed Siv, but he didn't want to ask her as she needs to go home as she spends long time with him for 2 days...

After lunch everyone went to college to speak to lectures about exam and opportunities to perform for various cultural's and after Sam and others went straight to their flat.

Sam went to his room straight and laid on the bed as he needs to start his new work from today, so he was just resting for few hours before going to work, as it was night shift. And he fell asleep and told others to wake him up before an hour.

Surya and others were just laying down on the sofa and were watching tv and suddenly they heard the alarm and went to wake Sam up, but surya already found him awake

Surya; dai you woken up?

Sam; yeah da, Siv thaan call pannina,

Surya; Mm seri,

Sam got ready and went to work and he called Siv to let her know that he reached his workplace

Sam; babe I am here I am gonna do inside will call you in the morning okey

Siv; Mm okey papa can you come to my place in the morning after work before going to your flat

Sam; why? Anything important?

Siv; no but I wanted to see u and amma said she will make breakfast for you too and she invited you

Sam; babe why you doing all this???

Siv; Mm ok if you don't want to come then it's fine I am not going to force you I'll let amma know ( she raised her voice a bit)

Sam; ok Seri I'll come, don't get angry and all

Siv; KD who is getting angry I am just letting you know that you don't need to if you don't want to come

Sam; nothing like that I'll come only, but it will be awkward because you told them about our relationship so I have to act good and all right but still I am nervous

Siv; they know everything about you and your anger so don't worry 😉

Sam; Mm my anger is my biggest weakness, hope life turns out well for me

Siv; papa I know you and that's all matters the most so don't worry just do well I'll speak to you later

Sam; okey babe bye good night 😘 😘😘😘😘

Siv; Mm enough off your kisses bye

After the conversation Sam went in and he was busy with his work and his friends were doing revisions cards  for Sam so he can study for exam easily as they are doing flash cards to make it easier since Sam will be busy working night shift and on the other side Siv as with her parents having a usual m conversation.

And they all slept except Sam as he was working and he will finish early morning 5 but he was thinking how he can go to Siv's house early morning as it won't be nice and again he didn't want to disappoint his girl.

Let's see what future hold for them?? Wait for the next episode.

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