Episode 18

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Sam left his flat and went to meet Siv. He picked her up from her house and left to a restaurant.

They bother were sitting opposite to each other on the table and Siv was checking in the Menu and Sam was just staring at her, not knowing how to start the conversation.

Sam; babe

Siv; yeah Sam, what do you want

Sam; just order anything I don't mind

Siv; ok but don't complain if you don't like it, and you always do that

Sam; I won't today, and I need to ask you something

Siv; I knew it, you were very silent during the drive I was just waiting for you to open it up

Sam; rombha kastam, I don't think I can hide anything from you

Siv; I will kill you if you do, never mind what was you gonna talk about

Sam; I am free for a week and I told you I will spend weekends with you

Siv; Mm

Sam; what Mm say something

Siv; what do you want me to say, you wanted to spend time with boys is it?

Sam; well boys wanted to go for a road trip since our college is finishing and we just got our last exams starting soon, so we might be busy after exam and during exam so one last time they all wanted to go and have fun. What do you say? Shall I go with them?

Siv; we hardly don't get time to spend and when you get free time you wanted to spend time with the boys and not me

Sam; not like that, I will still be free weekend

Siv; yeah only 2 days and 5 days with the boys, I wanted to spend some time with you! Why don't you understand, you are always busy whenever I want to meet and we don't even talk properly nowadays

Sam; this is not what I wanted and you know that very well, it's my situation that is pushing me to work 24/7

Siv; yeah and you choose your friends over me is it ?

Sam; Sam got angry 😡 and he said, if I wanted to go I would have just lied to you and will go with them, but I didn't do that because I respected your feelings and asked if I can go knowing that fact that we don't meet each other I just wanted some times with the boys because !!!!!!

Siv; because what finish off the sentence Sam,

Sam; because nowadays I am always with you on call or spending time at home and don't get time with boys because of you and they always give space knowing that we need to spend time alone, and here you letting out your issues not getting time and all.

Siv; she felt devastated, and sad) ok if you want to go with them go, I am not gonna come between you guys, I don't want to be a barrier.

Sam; are you sure, I promise I will spend more time after coming, we can figure out

Siv; yeah I am ok with it, I am gonna leave bye

Sam; babe please are you mad at me,

Siv; I am not I just need to go

Sam; but we planned to spend time together,

Siv; but something comes up now

Sam; babe please stop lying, it's fine I don't want to go with boys, they will understand you are more  important to me than others

Siv; dei I am ok it's fine you go, we will spend time now

Sam; babe please if you don't want me to I won't

Siv; no da it's fine you go I understand I am not a mean girlfriend you go and my bro coming as well right

Sam; yeah but I need to tell him, I haven't told him yet

Siv; seri ok let's eat now I am hungry

Sam; babe you are ok with this right

Siv; yeah papa I am fine you and and enjoy

Sam got up from the seat and went near to her and pecked her lip and said love you and came back to his seat.

Siv blushed, since he did that in public and said love you too.

Siv and Sam went to shopping, beach and ended the day with him at her her house.", and Siv parents were pampering him with foods and snacks, which makes Sam thing about his parents and his sister.

Sam; thank you Aunty and uncle I am very grateful, I shall make a move now it's getting late. Thank you Aunty

Siv; dai stay little bit longer please she said in her sad voice

Siv parents; yeah Sam stay a bit longer, there is no hurry

Sam; mm ok uncle

Siv; thank you sir

Sam; babe

Siv; ok ok, bro will be here soon, you tell him about the trip, he will be happy,

Sam; yeah will do

Siv; go up upstairs to my room and take rest there, I will help mum and come

Sam; Mm seri

Sam went upstairs to her room and he was sitting on her bed with his phone, he was texting his gang to let them know about him coming to and he was casually checking social media, where he noticed that his sister posted on insta, he just looked at the pictures and amused in deep thought

(Why do I have to suffer like this, I am really missing you sifra hope things are better soon)

Siv came after helping her mum and saw him in deep thought looking at his phone, she went near him and saw that he was looking at his sister's pic

Siv; Sam

Sam; yeah

Siv; so you miss her right

Sam; yeah but that doesn't mean I am gonna let go of my deduction and talk to them

Siv; yeah but what wrong did sifra do, you can talk to her right

Sam; can we stop this talk, I am not ready to listen or talk about them.

Siv; ok calm down, why are you getting tensed. You don't need to talk, but let me call and you can just hear they voices

Sam; no need and I hope you respect and listen to what we talk about the other day and what I want.

Siv: seri fine, let me get refreshed 

Siv went inside to her refreshed and she thought what will he do or react if he finds out that I talk to sifra. That thought got her scared not knowing how he will react.

While she was in the bathroom, her phone rang and Sam shouted from outside "babe your phone is ringing"

Siv; let it be, I will call them back

Sam; let me see who is calling and he went near to the study table and saw who was calling her

Wait for the next chap to see who was calling siv, thank you 🙏 please do vote and comment

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