Episode 20

263 77 6

After the phone call with surya siv was thinking whether to call him or not, she was not angry on him she was just upset and wanted Sam to talk to his parents, because she know that Sam is hurting himself and Missing them so much but he wanted to prove his father and his ego is stopping him from talking to him.

She thought only his dad can fix everything between him and Sam and after spending long time thinking she thought she should support him no matter and he is controlling his emotions and struggling to hope with it as well, even though she understanding his point of view, she was only trying to fix it and she got hurt when Sam said not to interfere in his problems, but she knew he didn't meant to say it it is just out of his anger.

It is clear that Siv loves him and she agreed to him that she will obey his words by not talking to his sister and his mother and Siv knows what happened when he went back home by sifra but Siv knew there was something more that what sifra told has happened but decided to find out from Sam and decided to call Sam.

Siv was trying to reach Sam, but his phone were kept ringing but Sam didn't answer and she called more than 50 times but Sam didn't answer, and she thought he must be angry due to her asking him to give a break for this relationships.

So she called surya and surya answered in 2 ring

Siv; hi Anna, I am trying to reach Sam but he is not answering my calls, is he at home?

Surya; yeah siv he is in his room let me go and check ( surya went to his room and found his bed empty and he checked everywhere but he couldn't find him)

Siv; Anna what happened, Is he in his room

Surya; no siv he is not here, he was here when Roze told me and I came and checked on him and he was sleeping by then, now he is not here, where did he go at this time?

Siv; it's ok anna don't worry I know where he will be I will go and check on him

Surya; no Siv I will go, it won't be right for you to go at this time, he will be drinking I guess I will and call you

Siv; ok anna but let me come with you, I will stay in the car

Surya; ok I will be there in 20mins

Surya thought he will be in bar to ease his pain and the arguments he had with Siv, and that's why he told siv not to go there.

On the other side, Sam was sitting in his car deeply thinking about something and his future. And he was giving a thought about talking to his mum and sister after what Siv told what those two will be feeling and worried about him.

Sam; okey Siv I will talk to them, but only them and not my father, I am only doing this for you and I hope you understand that, ( he was thinking to himself) I really wanted to tell you what has happened but not sure how you will take it, so it's better to keep it to myself for now.

Sam was in his car, outside one of the place where he goes if he got any problems or confused about something but on the other side surya and Siv thought he will be drinking.

Siv and surya reached the bar and looked for Sam but they couldn't find him, and surya kept on ringing and finally Sam answered his call.

Surya; dei mental, why didn't you answer the calls we got worried

Sam; I am outside I came for a drive I am fine I was confused and wanted to be alone.

Surya; but you should have informed before going or answered the phone calls

Sam; machan I am ok da, u don't need to worry every single time if I don't answer the phone I am not kid I know what I am doing

Surya; did you drink?

Sam; huh?

Surya; did you drink?

Sam; not in a mood

Surya; wow when did you stop drinking, you always drink when you don't feel right, and you even had an argument with siv so I thought you'll be flat by now ( he teased him )

Sam; shut up not in a mood to laugh for your stupid joke, I will come soon bye

Surya; dei machan Siv call panna attend pannu

Sam; Mm seri, she is not gonna call

Surya; she will da if she don't you call her and don't show your ego and all

Sam; dei machan if you tell her to call me I am sure I will kill you, let her call

Surya; she is only with me, she was worried and called you so many times, check your phone

Sam; Mm I know

Surya; then why

Sam; I don't know what to talk about, she is right it's better to take break for some time now

Surya; don't blabber, just talk to her and sort out the problems, every relationship will have this issues and when it comes to you it will be thrice the times as others

Sam; just shut up man, always thinks I am the fault

Surya; because sometimes you act like shit

Sam; ok ok stop your brotherly love I will come soon bye

Soon after surya cut the call he asked her why she was silent and didn't want to talk to him because while surya was on call he whispered if she wanted to talk but she refused

Surya; why Ma

Siv; illa na, I will come to your flat and let me talk to him in person

Surya; illa da, it's too late and what will Aunty thinks

Siv; I told them already while leaving and they know about the relationship

Surya; so lucky that there are supporting you, let's go

Siv; Mm let's go

What is sam hiding from siv? Share your thoughts
Do you think the problem will be solved between sam and siv?
Will sam call his mum and sister?

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