Episode 16

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It was a very early morning, Sam came out from his workplace and thought if he could go as Siv wanted him or he could straightly go to his flat, he was confused about what to do! Then his phone rings

Sam; he babe what are you doing this early, don't tell me that you were awake !

Siv; no da, I just woke up now, you know la, I have told you that my mum always wakes up early around this time, so she waked me up and asked me to call you about you coming

Sam; babe it won't be nice to come around this time, if you want I'll come later

Siv; you are coming and that's final bye

Sam; babe please, Ma why ma

Siv; I love you bye

Sam; please di don't cut the call, I'll be there in 10 mins

Siv; that's my boy,see you soon

Sam; love you 😘

After the short phone conversation Sam reached siv place and he rang the door bell and waited after few seconds Siv's mum opened the door

Siv's mum; hi sam, come come in

Sam; hi Aunty, sorry to disturb you at this time

Siv; nothing like that, Siv told me you hesitated to come at this time but you don't need to, you are going to marry Siv and you will be soon my son in law so don't think too much about this timing, you can come in anytime and you have all rights

Sam; I'm blessed Ma, thank you so much for trusting me and our love, we are still young and you trust us with this relationship and I won't break your trust we will be together no matter what and your support is what we need

Siv's mum; don't come in future and say you guys are broke up and all yeah 😂

Sam; what Aunty, I love her and I won't leave her alone

Siv's mum; yeah yeah who knows I heard about your anger and who knows you might end the relationship or more likely to face misunderstandings

Sam's face suddenly fell, as his anger is causing problems and due to anger he lost a lot, bad he was worried if this going to cause any problem in the relationship

Sam; sorry Aunty

Siv's mum; dai I was just kidding, don't take it seriously, we all love you and more than that Siv loves you more than anything and that's what we need, no one is perfect

Sam; thanks Aunty for believing in me,

Siv's mum; don't worry, let me get you breakfast

Sam; no Aunty I am not hungry, I will wait for Siv

Siv's mum; she is in her room, you go and bring her down so we can eat and I need to go for recording

Sam; okey Aunty

After the the talks with his soon to be mother in law, Sam went upstairs to Siv's room and he Knocked on the door and after few sec Siv came and opened the room door and hugged him saying good morning '

Siv; good morning papa, thank you for coming

Sam; not to worry, seri let's go down and eat, Aunty is waiting for us

Siv; Mm ok

Sam; babe thank you, you don't really need to do this

Siv; what now da, it wasn't me who initiated this my amma only asked me to come for breakfast

Sam; still it's all because of you know that's why I'm saying thank you and love u babe

Siv; love you too, seri vaa let's go down and eat

After some time all three of them completed their breakfast and Siv's mum left early as she got recording and it was only Sam and Siv who are awake and Siv's dad is still sleeping in his room.

Sam; where uncle babe, is he here or went out for recording to another place

Siv; he is here papa he came late last Night so he must be tired and still sleeping

Sam; Mm seri, shall I drop you in your college before going to my house, since you said you need to go early to do some project work

Siv; Mm that's sound good, okey so wait let me get ready, I will be here in 30 mins, do you want to sit here and watch TV or wait in my room

Sam; I will need to call surya, I will come after the phone call, you go and get ready

Siv went upstairs to get ready and Sam made a phone call to surya saying he will reach home after dropping Siv

Siv came down after getting ready and left the message for her dad to inform him that she is going early to college with Sam and get into Sam's car and they went having little fun conversation during the drive.

Sam; seri we reached, what's the plan for today after college

Siv; not sure I might come to see you in your college

Sam; oh please don't come I can't see your face 24/7 😂

Siv; rombha thaan, seri bye

Sam; he leaned towards her seat and pecked her lips and said bye babe see you soon

After than Sam went to his flat had quick chats with his friends and got freshened and left to college

1 years passed and it was the final year in college for Sam and his friends, and Sam was waiting for a call from one of the music director as they seen his and Siv's performance in cultural and they wanted to do a independent music video with both of them.

Sam already told her about this music video and Siv also agreed, as she was still in college and she still have another year to complete and for Sam it was his final year so he was busy with exams, practice and work so she don't get much time to spend!

It was one of the day where Sam and his friends planned to go on a road trip and it was only a boys road trip so Siv can't join them, as they will be drinking and having fun so it will be awkward and she will not be comfortable so Sam didn't want her to join, but he didn't want to tell her about the trip and asked his friends to say some excuses and to get permission from her, this is only because Sam and Siv don't meet regularly as how they used to due to her commitments and his commitments, so Sam will only go to her house or she will come to his flat to meet.

Will see how his friends will convince Siv to take Sam out for a short trip!!!

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