Episode 24

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The next day Sam's friends woke up very early and arranged everything to go. On the other side, Siv woke up very early and just sat on the bed next to Sam caressing his hair, but Sam couldn't realise anything because he was in deep sleep, and he didn't want to wake him up because he will be driving.

After a while, Siv texted her brother to come soon, because the time was nearing.

After 30 minutes Siv started to wake him up, as he needs to get ready.

Siv; Sam wake up, it's time to get ready

But Sam was in deep sleep so he didn't wake up, so Siv decided to pour water on his face, but suddenly he sat on the bed but Siv was too late to realise that he was awake

Sam; don't even think about it, I know what you will do

Siv; so you were just acting

Sam; Mm yeah, you seems happy what's up?

Siv; because you are going away?

Sam; so you are happy, that I am leaving? 

Siv; yeah I will not need  to stress about anything

Sam; Mm good for you, I will go and get ready (Sam walked towards his wardrobe to get clothes to freshen up)

Siv; Hey don't take it seriously, I was just kidding, inga vaa?

Sam; It's cool babe I get it, you go home 

Siv; dei I was just kidding, don't take it seriously, don't get angry for this silly thing 

Sam; you just chill babe I didn't take it seriously; I will get ready you go down

Siv; seems like you took it seriously

Sam; (he took his clothes and walked towards Siv and pecked her lip and left to freshen up, while he was walking towards the bathroom, he was saying to Siv "love you, ippa nambitiya?)

Siv: mm love you more, I will wait down, you come when you are ready, and I called Sundar he will be here soon 

Sam; ok ne po I will come 

Siv went downstairs and Sam left to the freshen up and he came down after getting ready, while all others were all set to go, and Sundar also reached, and they all left for the trip after Siv giving advice to Sam and Sam nodding his head to everything that Siv says. 

Surya started with the drive, because Siv told Surya to start the drive and not to let Sam drive for too long, (Sam was not aware of the conversation Siv and his friends had before leaving for the trip"). 

While there were on their way, Sam literally pleaded on the text asking permission from Siv to allow him to drink, because Siv told him not to drink too much, knowing that he will go overboard when he is with his friends, and adding to all his issues with his dad, and mainly his anger. 

Finally, Siv said yes but still she asked him to stay in limit, and teased him for giving fake promises just to get permission for the trip, this is because Sam promised her to allow him for the trip and said he will not drink, but obviously Siv knows he is only saying this to just get permission) 

Even though Sam felt bad, on the other side he didn't want to ruin this trip and his boys, and he was very much determined to enjoy this trip one last time before his exams, because memories are very important in our lives. 

So, the boys were enjoying their road trip and Sam and Siv did text each other whenever they get time, and Siv also asked Sundar about how Sam is behaving and whether he is drinking, and Sundar said he is always in limit. 

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