Episode 28

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The drive was very silent and both didn't speak anything and just listened to the song. In between the silent drive Siv's phone start ringing and Siv looked at her phone and got shocked by looking at the caller ID and Sam just turned and looked at her and asked her

Sam; babe your phone is ringing for long time now, who is it why are you staring at the phone and not answering

Siv; I don't know who this is, it might be a wrong call

Sam; then why you look tensed

Siv: it's nothing, I am good

Sam; just answer it it's ringing again and again, if you don't want to speak then answer the call and turn the speaker on

Siv; Mm she answered as she have no choice and turn the speaker on

Sam; hello who is this? (Sam was driving so he didn't look at the phone to check the caller ID and Siv was holding the phone )

On the call Sam didn't get any response from the opposite side so he thought it was a wrong call and asked siv to cut the call

Sam: babe I think it's a wrong call, didn't get any response right

Siv; I told you , ok where are we going for dinner

Sam: not sure let's just go home and tell the boys

Siv; Mm ok

So they both reached Sam's flat and entered inside to find everyone there and Siv came inside first as sam was parking the car and asked siv to go in

When siv went inside she was shocked to see Sam's sister.

Siv: sifra hey how are you? I didn't expect you to be here

Sifra: I am good Anni, how are you

Siv; I'm good, but why didn't you inform me before coming, I don't know how Sam's gonna react after seeing you here

Sifra: I called you so many times but you didn't pick the call

Siv; I was with sam so i couldn't but why didn't you tell me when I spoke to you yesterday

Sifra; I wanted to surprise you

Siv; I am happy that you are here but I am not sure about your brother

Sifra; I am sorry anni, but I needed your help

Siv; for what?

Sifra; I want to go and study abroad but my dad and mum said no and they want me to get married and don't want to continue with the education

Siv: when did this happen, why are they saying this suddenly

Sifra; it's always been like this and Anna knows

Siv; I don't know what to say but I can speak to Aunty but not sure about uncle tho

Sifra; I want anna to convince him

Siv; sifra I know you want to go abroad but I don't know how sam speaking to uncle is going to happen, you know them and sam

Sifra; please anni if you talk to him he will listen to you

Siv: I can do but not all on me, I don't even know how he is going to react after seeing you here

Surya: Siv she is here now nothing we can do we have to support her if you talk to him he will listen

Roze; yeah da he will listen but it will take time

Siv: will see

Meanwhile sam received a call from someone so he was on the call and he came after few minutes and was shocked to see sifra here.

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