Episode 23

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After the phone call with Siv, Sam went to her house to pick her up, since they both have a today left to spend together and Sam will go on a road trip for a week, and he will not meet her for a week. It is hard for them to meet up nowadays and Sam is trying his best to get into his music fields, so he will not to do double shift and will have some time to meet her. 

Siv who understands his situation and support him in everyway, however sometimes she have to argue and fight him to take sometime off to spend time with her. Sam on the other side always keep himself busy and work hard, despite the fact that he is missing his family and Siv, he will never show his emotions to anyone. Even though he hides his emotions Siv understands him very well and she  handle him with care. 

Also Sam's friends are always with him, and supports him and the main reason why they all wanted to go for the road trip is to change Sam's mindset, because he is very focused on his studies and work and never take a break, and only break he take is when he meet Siv, and the time he spends with his friends also affected. 

Sam and Siv spent some time together at her house and her mum made food for Sam and he had lunch at her house and after lunch they both left to roam around and spend some quality time together. 

Sam; babe where do you want to go?

Siv; I don't mind, as long as I am with you I don't  have any specific place. 

Sam; Ok then lets go to my flat babe

Siv; what (shocked) 

Sam; just kidding, lets go to the park and chill there for sometime, 

Siv; love you 

Sam; love you more babe 

Siv; I am lucky to have you, you are very romantic, do you know that?

Sam; really, am I, I though I was very bad 

Siv; You are but also your anger is the worst 

Sam; I will try to change 

Siv; No way, I don't want you to change, be the same Sam who I fell in love with and no matter what, I Will always love you and Your anger will only last for sometime and I know who you are and what you are, if you change then you will not be the same Sam.

Sam; thank you for your words babe, you mean a lot to me, and I know I always argue with you and whatever I say will only in anger and I will always love you no matter what

Siv; ok stop it now, we are almost here 

Sam; by the way it 's good to know and hear from you that you even admitted that I am very romantic, you better tell your so called brothers about my romance. Those brats always say that I am a terrible boyfriend, who don't show emotions and feelings to you. 

Siv; I know how romantic you are, and you are not very much expressive about your feelings but I can understand by looking at your eyes

Sam; love you babe, 

They both reached the park and spent some time together and had bit of serious talks, both of their romantic talks and discussed about what he is going to do after his college and about Siv's life and after few hours they both left to his flat. 

Sam; babe can you stay with me today, I will miss you so much

Siv; yeah sure I can, but promise that you are not going to do anything stupid while you are away 

Sam; why promise, athaan you are sending someone to spy on me 

Siv; Its not like he will tell me what you upto 

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