Episode 22

239 65 4

Sam and Siv dropped them of in the cinema and they both went to their cinema to watch a movie, and Siv was holding Sam's hand and waited in the line to buy a popcorn.

Sam; this line is so long, do we need popcorn, I don't want it. Shall we go

Siv; what, are you serious, there is no point of watching a movie without popcorn,

Sam; I only came for you, you know I don't watch movies an all

Siv; well you need to get used to it, and don't say that to anyone, because you wanted to be a singer so you will sing in movies, I don't get your logic

Sam; okey enough don't start, why this line is going very slow

Siv; patience darling, only two people are before us

Sam; still

They were chatting and after few minutes they got their stuff and went inside to find their seat. Sam was going infront of her holding her hands and sat down.

Sam sat down and smiled at siv and asked all ok and she said yes and kissed his hand that she was holding and Sam just smiled at her.

After the first half of the movie, Sam received a text from his friends that they will be coming going to the club straight after the movie and asked if he wanted to joint them but sam refused as he wanted to spent time with siv.

After the movie both went for shopping and Sam bought few clothes and also bought some for siv too, but she didn't refuse because She always like to wear the types of clothes sam select for her. After shopping, they both went to a restaurant and had food.

Siv knew about the call Sam got from surya so she asked Sam why surya called while there were on their way to Siv's house to drop her off

Siv; papa who called earlier

Sam; surya

Siv: why

Sam; he asked if I want to join them in the club

Siv; oh ok

Sam; I am not going, I will stay with you

Siv; thank you but I don't want you to force yourself to spent time with me, if you want to do then I am ok with it

Sam; babe I said no already and anyway I am going on a road trip with them so no need and you will say ok but then you will keep this and mention every time when we argue

Siv; it's not me, you are the one who argue all the time  🤣

Sam: ok ok stop your evil laugh, you need to stop and maintain distance from my friends, too much brother sister sentiment going on and everyone always blame me for everything

Siv; they are my Anna's

Sam; don't forget you only met them due to me

Siv; still they will support me and fight for me

Sam; I guess so, but not for long, I will need to stop asking you to come or meet at the flats,

Siv; then phone, insta there is ways to communicate

Sam; stop this rubbish let me drop you first, and I need to meet my machan about the trip only a day left

Siv; yeah you can stay tonight and go in the morning

Sam; no way, it won't be nice

Siv; why, it's not like you are sleeping in my room

Sam; 🤣I wish but no I will go home, boys might need me

Siv; Mm ok seri

On their way home they were chatting about his works, studies and about the exam and little romantic talks.

After few minutes they reached home and Sam went inside Siv's house to talk with her brother about the trip.

Sundar; hi bro what's app, how's life

Sam; hi da I wanted to say all going good, but how can I when I am committed to your sister 🤣

Sundar; that's so true anyway trip planned

Siv; you guys need to grow up, and I am not horrible one here you are the one Sam

Sam; I was just kidding babe

Siv; better be kidding

Sam; I know right

Sundar; leave this talk and tell me I am in the plan, can I join too, I am literally so bored staying at home and road trip will sound good for me

Sam; you are in and yeah boys road trip will be cool, and for a week it will be lit 🔥

Sundar; yeah for sure

Sam; I bought few clothes for you too, while I was buying for me and others, here it's all in this bag ( Sam gave sundar  few shopping bags )

Sundar; thanks mama

Sam; no probs machan

Siv; ok seri I am also here, let me get some sleep I am tired

Sam; ok babe good night I will see you tomorrow

Siv; bye papa

Saying this siv pecked Sam and left to her room, but Sam stayed and had few talks with sundar

Sundar; we all are Happy to see you guys like this, hope this continue

Sam; I really do hope and I will make sure this relationship continue

Sundar; I have seen akka from the beginning and I can tell that  she really loves you a lot

Sam; I do too

Sundar; opposite characters attracts the most I guess, you don't show your emotions and akka shows her emotions and all

Sam; ok enough don't talk about my relationship, what's going on with you

Sundar; no improvement

Sam; keep trying

Sundar; I am

Sam; ok da I will take a leave, it's getting late

Sundar; ok bro bye see you

Sam; see you will pick you up on Monday early morning

Sundar; can't wait for this trip

Sam; Mm ok ok bye da

Sundar; bye

Sam left to his flat after his talks with sundar, and he reached his flat but still his friends were not here so he waited for them. While waiting he texted siv but he didn't get any respond so he thought siv went to sleep and he fell asleep too.

Next morning Sam woke up and went to others room to check them and he found everyone fast asleep and got ready and went to his workplace to inform them about his week off and to handover his work shift to another staff who works there before going to avoid unnecessary issues

After that he called siv and she picked his call in half asleep and said she will be ready soon and asked him to come to her place to pick her up.

what will happen next?

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