Episode 17

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Next morning Sam woke up earlier than usual and he try to wake his friends too, but he failed, so he went to the kitchen to make some coffee before waking them up again, while he was making coffee he was tensed about how his friends going to ask Siv permission for the trip.

After 20mins surya came to the kitchen and found Sam in a deep thoughts,

Surya; hi machan (he tapped his shoulder), what are you thinking so deeply that you didn't even see me coming

Sam; it's about Siv

Surya; what about her is everything ok between u both, even you were on a call with her yesterday night, did you had an argument with her, did you do anything, did you hurt her or something with your stupid anger. I know it's you, you are the one who always fight with her and cause problems and she always understands you and stay calm and managing you with you temper, if it was some other girl they will say good bye and leave !!!

Sam; shut up 🤐 enough she is my girlfriend and you only know her from me and first of all you are my friend first before meeting her.

Surya; but sam;(shut up I'm not finished)

Sam; there is no problem between us and I did call her last night but I didn't mention to her about the trip and that's what I am worried about, what if she say no

Surya; then we will go without informing her

Sam; are you gone mad, if she finds out then I'm dead I don't want to do that. It's not like she will say no but she is more likely to say no because I am always busy and whenever she asks me if we can go out I always say no and if she asked me how I got that time now to go for trip then 🧐

Surya; dai you are thinking too much the road trip is only for 5 days and we are going after 2 days, you are free an all right then why don't you take her out then she will be okey

Sam; that's right but I will have to call her and ask if she is free, thanks da machan and your thankachi paasam it's too much yaar, she is my girlfriend after that you became her stupid brother, don't come and blame me for the fights, she argue with me and fight with me too it's not just me

Surya; Mm ok ok boss so you tell her about the trip ok

Sam; what

Surya; yeah Sam she is your beloved girl right

Sam; Mm ok i will tell her by myself

After that Sam went to his room and got freshen up and went downstairs with his phone to call Siv

Sam; ( after couple of ring the phone answered) good morning baby

Siv; good night, why are you up so early and disturbing my sleep 😴

Sam; babe it's 8 now

Siv; yeah it's only 8, usually you wakes up around 10 right??

Sam; that's sometimes

Siv; please let me sleep I'm hell tired I will call back when I wake up fully

Sam; ennadi

Siv; ippa let's me sleep da please baby I'm tired just 1 hour I will call back

Sam; Mm

Siv; are you mad

Sam; no problem you sleep call me after no pressure bye baby

Siv; bye da

She cut the call and went back to sleep after 4 hours she woke up 😂 this is the time she wakes up if it's weekends (very rare but if she is tired and nothing to do then yeah)  and got freshen up and went down to have her breakfast

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