Part 31

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The next day, Sam and Siv continued to focus on their own lives. Sam was busy building his career as well as Siv. Siv recently figured out that she also wanted to go into acting field as well as singing and Sam only wanted to focus on his music career and he also wanted to be a singer as well as music composer, and he started off building his music career and Siv started to focus on acting and she is currently going to multiple short film auditions and Sam on the other side have known for his independent music and he is now in yuvan Shankar raja's music band and currently signed a contract to go on a world tour.

With his personal lives, it was a roller coaster ride for both of them, as Sam is only focusing on his career and not getting time to spend with siv, however Siv is willing to meet and put time and effort into the relationship as always. However, Sam being not very open to express his feelings as he never expressed like Siv also feels sad but he wanted to live a happy future with Siv and he is working towards that.

There will be some days where he will meet her and she will express so much and Sam will not which Siv understands but also feels bad.

There will always be a time where he will go and meet her at her house when he had a bad days, but only end up arguing with Siv and taking his anger on siv, but she will understand and be silent, and after hours he will calm down and talk to her how he is having a bad day and just wanted to be with her.

Siv's parents are aware of their relationships as Siv is quite open about her relationship with her family and the public as both of them have a well known in public for their songs, which her parents are worried about and they wanted them to get married soon not because of their own personal choices but for the sake of their relative talks.

One day Siv's relatives from kerala visited Siv and her parents.

Siv m; sivaangi your aunty's are coming around today, so stay at home tonight ok.

Siv;ok ma but why sudden visit

Siv m: I don't know

Siv; ok

And the days went as usual for Siv and she was trying to call Sam and the call went unanswered and she just left it knowing that he will be busy and will call her back

After couple of hours Siv's aunty's reached her house and they had a quite a lot of chat about everything and one of her aunt asked about her relationship status as she have seen quite a lot of instagram stories which have been shared and a post of her with Sam when she wished him about his big step when he signed the contract to go on a world tour with yuvan and Siv was also one of them.

Siv auntie: so Siv who is that guy on your post, you guys seem very close and in fact you were very close to him and the eye contact you had with him was quite visible

Siv m; that's her best friend

Siv aunt; looks like more than friends

Siv being quite open admitted that he is her boyfriends and are in a relationship

Siv; yeah I am with him more that 5 years and planning to get married in future

Siv m: yeah but both of them are focusing on their careers and when everything comes together it will happen

Siv auntie: ok I am happy but why not get married first people will talk ill and being a girl you have to listen to lot of haters comments about this being public future

Siv; I just don't take anything to my head I ignore it and everything will happen it's too early

Siv auntie; ok but he seems very rough how did you fall in love

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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