Episode 29

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Siv and sifra decided to spend some alone time together and they went for shopping, restaurant, and they got their nails and hair done.

Sifra; anni shall I dye my hair, I really wanted light brown

Siv; if you want it you can sifra

Sifra; actually no, I will do it later I need to think about it

Siv; ok

Sifra ; so how is everything

Siv; all good we just signed to sing a song for yuvan sir , and world tour with him

Sifra; that's great anni, so how is your exam

Siv; good just got one more and Sam finished with his I think after that we just gonna work on music,

Sifra; that's good so soon you guys will be famous

Siv; hopefully, even if it's not for me, I want him to be successful

Sifra; and yeah I saw the pic on insta it was cutely captured

Siv;  oh don't even remind me, this guy is a weirdo, he want everything to be private

Sifra; if he is like that, tell him some other guy will date you, thinking you are single

Siv; that's not too be idea will see

Sifra; Anna is very lucky to have you, and I can see that he is trying to change himself and I can see the differences now when I see him

Siv; yeah he is trying to work this out, and I will always be there for him no matter what, he loves me and I can see that,

Sifra; yeah I can tell and surya Anna said that Anna is only showing his vulnerability to you and that's why he is showing all his anger towards you as you will understand him

Siv; his friends are also part of this, and they will always support me and argues with Sam for me

Sifra; yeah I'm happy for you guys and when see you getting married then

Siv; it's too early first I need to finish my college and then find a job and succeed in singing then yeah will see

Sifra; don't take too long tho,

Siv; I don't think I can, mum is already asking me to finish off the engagement soon and said wedding can take place later, but I asked her to wait and I haven't spoken to your brother about this

Sifra; that's sounds a good idea to me, or you can move and stay with him

Siv; are you really his sister,

Sifra; why

Siv; because you are telling me to live with him and we are not even married

Sifra; because I am a 2k kid

Siv; 🤣🤣, good idea but no I won't he is living his friends and if I move in then it will be awkward

Sifra; but I heard that sometime you stay with him

Siv; that's only when we are in a situation where your Anna acts up after drinking

Sifra; he don't usually drink but when he drinks then it's because he will be pissed off about something

Siv; yeah true, ok enough of chit chatting let's go home I need to go home

Sifra; year ldts go it was nice talking to you, and thank you for talking with Anna

Siv; yeah I more month and then yeah you are going away right

Sifra; yeahhhh

After spending some quality time, they both went home after siv dropping sifra at his flat.

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