Episode 27

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Next day Siv woke up and called Sam to find out about what he is up to and when they will need to leave to meet the music director.

Siv calling Sam

Siv; Hello papa, are you awake what you up to now

Sam; good morning, why you calling this early

Siv; dei we have to meet yuvan sir da, don't tell me you are still sleeping

Sam; I am was sleeping then you woke me up, we still have time to meet it's only 8 in the morning

Siv; I thought you said we have to be there at 11

Sam; yeah we do but if we get ready and leave around 9:30 we will reach there

Siv; Sam just wake up and get ready I am going to get ready and will come to the flat within 30 minutes . It's better if we go earlier

Sam; don't come here, I will come and pick you up and will go from there it's easier to go from your house

Siv; ok bye

Sam; love u babe

Siv; love u bye

After the phone call Siv got ready and went downstairs to have her breakfast

On the other side Sam also woke up and got ready and called someone to say that he will reach there on time

After he got ready he left in his car to Siv's place to pick her up.

Sam reached Siv's place and called her but she didn't pick the call up so he texted her and waited for her to come

On Siv's side she was so nervous and she was thinking about something who didn't notice her phone ringing. Hearing the phone rings siv's mum came from the kitchen and asked her to pick the call but she was in Deep thinking, and didn't notice her mum.

Her mum went close to her and tapped her who jerked from the tap and ask what

Siv: enna amma

Siv mum; what are you thinking, your phone is ringing answer it.

Siv; ahh sari, she answered her call, and said she will come

Siv: okey ma bye see you

Siv mum; ok bye da

Siv went outside and got in the car

Sam; what tooks you so long to answer

Siv; I didn't notice, my phone was on silent so I didn't hear it

Sam; babe are you nervous

Siv; Mm yeah

Sam; don't worry I'm with you nah, let's do it together.

Siv; Mm yeah

Siv was so nervous for Sam, because she knew Sam's passion and how he is struggling and adding to that his family problems so she wanted him to succeed and she don't want Sam to feel lost again, because Sam is very sensitive even though he is totally opposite when he is angry but only siv and hi friends know his side when he is angry and happy.

Both were silent during the drive and Sam interrupted and asked siv if she is confident about what she is going to do and how she is going to take whatever comes from the music director, because nothing was official anything can happen.

After sometime they both reached the place. And Sam got out from the car and opened siv door for her to get down.

Siv: Sam I want you to promise me that you will take everything as a learning experience and not to break down or get self-doubt about your talent

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