Episode 26

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Few weeks rolled, and both of them were busy on their college and Sam on the other side busy
practising and his work.

One day when he was practicing with his band mate, Sam received a phone call from unknown number, but since he was busy with his practices he didn't answer the call was continuously ringed multiple times, so sam thought it might be an emergency call and answered the phone call.

Other side; hi is this Sam

Sam; hi, yes you are speaking to sam, who is this?

Other side; hi Sam, I am yuvan shankar raja's assistant speaking, I just called you to ask if you are available to meet

Sam; I am so glad you hear this for, and yes I am available to meet, may I know the reason

Other side; Sir wanted to meet you regarding a song recording

Sam; I am so happy to hear this, will let me know when and where and I will be there

Other side; sir have seen your singing before in cultural and he really liked it when you sang with another person and he wanted to meet the female singer as well

Sam; I will bring her too, thank you so much

After the phone call conversation Sam went back to his flat, but didn't inform anything about Siv, he was just waiting to surprise her the next day.

The next day Sam came back from workplace and went to straight to flat and texted Siv and asked her if he can meet her. And Siv called Sam after few minutes

Siv; hi ma, what's up you texted me to meet

Sam; hi da yeah are you free

Siv; I'm happy you are asking me to meet without me pestering you, but I am going shopping with sree and anna called me and asked me to visit him, can we meet tomorrow if not today at night after

Sam; this is what happens when I ask, that's why I don't bother asking

Siv; dei please da understand my situation

Sam; it's ok let meet at night I will come around to Anna's house

Siv; I have an idea what about you coming shopping then we will hang out

Sam; nooo way, I will come around at night

Siv; what's is that you need to tell me,

Sam; it's a surprise

Siv; please da tell me

Sam; no way will tell when I see u in person now bye see u soon

Siv; okey seri bye love u

Sam; love u too babe bye

They both ended the call and Sam was so excited to share the news with her and he was praying to god that everything should go well.

The day went so fast and the night arrived and Sam was getting ready to meet Siv and he went to Anna's house after ages and texted siv to say that he is here

Sam; babe I'm here

Siv; wait let me come

Siv opened the door for Sam and hugged him and pecked his lips

Siv; hi da, how are you what's that you need to tell me, come let's go upstairs

Sam; wait babe let me say hi to Anna first

Siv; he got an emergency at his workplace so he just left few minutes ago anni is here come

Siv took Sam to the kitchen to meet Anni

Sam; hi anni, how are you

Anni; I'm good Sam how are you, how is work

Sam; all good

Anni; ok so when is the marriage, Aunty is in so much pressure about siv

Siv; anni amma just overthink about everything she needs to chill, it's so early to get married I need to work first and Sam needs to be a singer before marriage. And he haven't proposed me to marry yet

Sam; patience is crucial in life babe

Siv; not everyone will wait for long babe

Anni; okey now stop I will take back my question

Sam; ok anni I need to share something

Siv; yea yes I'm waiting to hear it

Sam; we need to go to yuvan's sir's office he asked us to meet him

Siv; are you for real?

Sam; yeah his assistant called me and asked both of us to meet but note sure if it's for recording or just to voice check

Siv; I am so happy for you da more than for myself hope this will be your start

Sam; I'm happy for you too babe it's good that we both have been recognised

Anni; you guys deserve this god bless you

Siv; when do we need to go

Sam; tomorrow at 11am

Siv; ok let's go home I can't wait to share this to everyone

Sam; I have only informed my friends but asked them not to share until everything is confirmed

Siv: yeah that's true let's not keep our hopes up too high will go and see then i will share

Sam; and don't put anything on insta giving hint

Siv; I won't now but soon if everything goes well then I will

Sam; do whatever you want, I'm sick and tired of arguing 😐.

Siv; but I love you 😘 saying she kissed his cheek and left the house

Wait and see to find out what will happen next

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