Episode 30

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Siv wanted to speak to her brother sundar about his relationship, and she felt that she is pushing Sam way too much and she didn't want his brother to be in between Sam and his family, also she thought that it's sifra and sundar's life and they need to deal with it as that's how Sam fought with his family for their relationships.

Sundar; hi akka what is it, why do you need to talk to me. Anything serious?

Siv; yeah i spoke to sam and I think I am pressuring him too much, I know as a brother he needs to support his sister, but also it's your life and not his so can you take a step with this as well.

Sundar; I can but sifra is scared and thinks that it might cause some serious problems.

Siv; yeah but still if Sam speaks to his parents then he might make it worse, I know him and I feel like he won't be patient enough to solve this. And if he start to speak then his parents might think that everything is his fault.

Sundar; don't worry I will try to speak to him, or why can't we ask our parents

Siv; no way, they are so much worried about me and Sam and if they find out about you then they might come to some silly decisions and I can't afford to loose my relationship

Sundar; ok let's just leave this as of now and I will speak to them soon

Siv; ok I will call Sam and speak to him about this, I think he is mad with me, and stressed

After their conversation siv decided to speak to Sam and she called him couple of times but his phone went unanswered.

Sam voided Siv's call, not just because he was angry with the way siv spoke to him other day, but Sam was guilty and decided to speak to his parent about sifra as he is the one who needs to support his sister.

After couple of days sam decided to call his parents and he did with lack of confidence.

His mum answered the call and spoke to him Casually.

Sam's Mum; hi Sam, how are you.

Sam; I am good, and don't act like nothing happens between us

Sam's mum: what I am supposed to do between you and your dad Sam, I did nothing wrong.

Sam; let's not talk about me, the reason I called you is to talk about sifra

Sam's mum; yeah I know, your dad is the one send her to you, he started to realise his mistake Sam please forgive him, he loves your sister a lot and he only wants best for you and your sister

Sam; then why are you not talking to her and not accepting it

Sam's mum; we did accept but with conditions

Sam; and what is that

Sam's mum; she is very young and she can't stay alone with him and definitely not before marriage and no way that she is getting married before you

Sam; please mum just let us live our live, and we both are very sure on what we want in our live and I am just now going in the right track and sifra is just started and they both are following their ambitions

Sam's mum; ok, I agree and why don't you speak to your dad, he will listen and he changed after seeing your recent works and growth

Sam; there is nothing to talk to him and thank you for accepting my thought and decisions I will let sifra know bye.

After talking to his mum, Sam felt relieved that he was able to help sifra, and he have seen so many notifications from siv and texted her saying everything is solved and there is nothing to worry about.

Sam; hey babe sorry for missing your calls and text and thank you for understanding me and making me realise what I was doing is wrong, and now everything is solved and now there is nothing to worry about sifra and sundar can move towards meeting their goals. I will see you soon, bye love you

He texted and carried on with his usual routines. The next day siv decided to meet him and talk to him about what happened a week ago as she felt she pushed him too much and she thinks that she is not being very supportive girlfriend to him.

The very next day siv went to meet Sam, and he was very casual and did not have any expression of angerness towards siv, and she was confused about it.

Siv; Sam are you ok, are u angry with me

Sam; no ma, I am ok, there is nothing to worry about

Siv; I am sorry, for pushing you too much, I am not being very supportive girlfriend am I?

Sam; hey what's wrong, why are you blabbering

Siv; I am not I am being very serious, I now understand how I hurted you with my words the other day

Sam; siv really there is nothing to worry about, it's the past, everything is solved now. I was angry and upset at first about you not understanding from my side but then I realised the love you have on me which also loved my family and you just wanted to help my sister out, this shows that how you are trying to fit in, I get it babe, more than that I love you, even though we fights, argue whatever comes between us I will always love you ! And I want this to be private for a reason, and you know me I am completely opposite to how you see the world

Siv; she hugged him and pecked his lip and said I love you more.

Sam: ok so problem solved, so are u happy

Siv: more than me sifra would  be happy, and Yh off course I'm happy too. But i will be even more happier if you get along and solve the misunderstanding between you and your dad

Sam; you can't leave me alone with this issue, can you, you will never get bored 😐 right l, but I am not ready to listen

Siv; I will kept on bothering you until you listen

Sam; good luck with that

Siv; will see

Sam; and Yh I found out something that you were hiding from me

Siv; huh

Sam; don't act like you don't know what I am taking about

Siv; no clue Sam

Sam; you should be happy with the way I am asking you now , despite my anger

Siv; Sam

Sam; so still not planning to tell me

Siv; sam please don't get mad

Sam; yeah, yeah after knowing everything I should act like nothing happened. You know the deal between our relationship, no hiding, no secrets

Siv; I can say the same

Sam; I never hid anything from you apart from one things and that was purely to protect our relationship and misunderstanding . And I know that you know about this but still I never bought this up, knowing that you will get hurt

Siv: same with me as well, I know you will be mad and u did warn me not to talk to your parents, after how can I come to you and tell you that I am in contact with your parent

Sam; you should be telling me this, I did warn out off anger but that was purely for our own good and I will not hate you for talking to my parents but still if it's my dad I will not happy but that does not mean I will hate you

Siv; then why is it bothering you

Sam; it's not bothering me, I just want to hear it from the people I love, and not from some strangers

Siv; ok sorry 😞

Sam; from now no more secrets, I am not gonna force you with anything you can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't affect our relationship

Siv; deal and let me remind you I will be open even though you hate us to be public and with the family thing, I will speak to aunty

Sam; as long as you don't pressure me to do something I don't like

Siv; get it, but I know you will forgive your dad soon

Sam; whatever

After their serious conversation, there shared a little bit off their own time and siv left to her house.

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