Episode 19

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The phone was kept on ringing and Sam went near the study table to see who was calling her continuously and he checked her phone and it was clear on his face the shock was an understatement, and he just stormed out from the room and waited for siv in the living room.

On the other hand, Siv came out from getting refreshed and checked her phone and looked for Sam, when she sees her phone she noticed the notification of Sifra's calls and got shocked and tensed not knowing whether Sam seen her phone or not. She did her hair and messaged sifra that she will call her later and went downstairs.

Siv went downstairs and noticed Sam sitting on the sofa and she went near him and called him

Siv; Sam what are you doing downstairs, I thought you will be waiting in my room.

Sam; I was that's not important now I need to talk to you

Siv; Sam let me explain

Sam; I don't want to talk here, let's go out I will wait in the car you inform Aunty and come

Siv; can we not talk here, I am tired

Sam; don't want this shit excuses, just come I will wait

Siv; but Sam

Sam; will you shut up and do what I have asked you to do for once and follow me

Siv; Mm you go I'll come, let me inform amma

Sam waited for her in the car and after few minutes siv came and got into the car. And Sam seems very angry and Siv was thinking about what excuse to say.

Siv; Sam please don't get angry and listen to what I need to say

Sam; I have trusted you and believed you how can you hide this siv?

Siv; I don't ment to hide it from you, but the situation made it to stop me from telling this to you

Sam; I have asked not to talk to her or any of them for a reason siv but you let me down

Siv; if you are angry on them why would I have to stop them from talking, it wasn't me who is angry on them

Sam; I don't want you to get hurt or show sympathy on me

Siv; Sam she is your sister what wrong did she do to you, it is only your dad, but why are you punishing your mum and sister

Sam; just stop don't think I am punishing them, you don't know what I go through everyday, you don't understand my pain

Siv; Sam just stop blabbering rubbish, I do understand and I wanted to help you. Don't you trust be?

Sam; just shut up ok, you can't help and you are only making it worse ( Sam shouted at her and anger is very clearly shown on his face)

Siv; stop shouting we are in the car outside my house !

Sam; I am tired just don't start, I don't want to talk about this, if you want to talk to sifra you can I can't argue about this again and again but don't expect me to be happy about you talking to her, and I don't want you to tell her what I am and how I am going at all

Siv; why are you so adamant, she is your sister she will be worried and she wants to know how you are

Sam; what are they doing to do by knowing, it's not like they are supporting me, they just agreed to what my dad said and are ready to obey his words.

Siv; you have to prove them and all parents will be worried about their children, and your dad is just worried about what your relatives are talking behind about you and he don't want you to go through that process.

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