Episode 25

262 67 2

Sam friends came down after hearing the loud sound and asked siv about what happened

Surya; what happened Siv, where is Sam

Siv; I don't know he just left

Rose; what happened now? Don't tell me you guys had an argument

Siv; yeah we did have an argument, but it's his fault not mine, I was just trying to explain and help him

Surya; (he was tensed) seriously is this necessary now, we just came back from the trip and its not even been a day only been few hours and you guys started seriously, it's better for you to end than having these much fights and misunderstanding.

Rose; Siv I know he is always get angry but it's not good for both of you if it's continues like this

Siv; Anna he is getting angry for small thinks, I posted our pic on Instagram and he didn't like it and said he want it to be within us, but he needs to get used to this if he want to be a singer and that's what I was trying to explain but he is not getting it.

Surya; you know he is very much private person, then why didn't you ask him before posting

Siv; I don't need permission to do what I like to do

Surya; but sam was in pic

Siv; yeah but it was just a pic nothing intimate and I mentioned as a friend

Rose; you guys are unbelievable really, fighting for thus stupid silly reasons

Surya; you need to understand from his point of view, he might have some reason why he wanted to be private

Siv; well I am just trying to help him to overcome this, it will help him especially when he wanted to be a singer

Surya; I get it and I think he will understand if not don't worry I will speak to him don't worry you go home

Siv; I will stay and I want to clear this before

Rose; he left with anger I guess, so it's better to leave this for now and talk to him later when he is calm, he will not listen and you will only get hurt by his words

Siv; it's not the first time anna, I am used to it

Surya; I am actually pissed off with you both, why you always fight if you actually love each other's

Roze; dei leave it let's go and find him

Surya; yeah come, (he turned and looked at siv who was looking down) siv you better go home before he come back

Siv; ok I will go now and ( she left and her worry and sadness is visible on her face)

Rose; dai why did you speak to her like that, you know it's our friend who always argue for stupid reasons

Surya; don't blame everything on him, and I am just worried that these small arguments might turn big

Roze; nothing like that will happen don't worry let's talk to him and solve this issues

There were looking for Sam and finally found him near the street, where he parked his car and just leaning on the car thinking

Surya; dei look he is there

Roze; Mm let's talk to him

There both went near him and called him after few minutes San realised his friends are here and just asked why there were here

Sam: dei what are you both doing here

Surya; we need to ask that question

Roze; why you left the flat

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