Episode 21

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Siv and surya went to the flat and surya and his friends talked with siv for sometime and went to there room and asked siv to sleep in Sam's room and not to wait awake until he comes, but she refused and said I am not sleepy anna I will wait for him you guys go and sleep.

Surya; Siv if he argues and raise his voice just ignore him please, good night

Siv; ok anna you guys go

Roze; siv I don't think it's a good idea to talk this time, we don't know what mood he is in

Siv; it's ok anna we need to solve it before you guys go for a road trip

Surya; I don't think we will be going in this situation and Even if we go I don't think Sam will come

Roze; he is right

Siv; no anna you need to go and Sam will come to I will talk to him, why did he said that he didn't want to come

Surya; no we haven't talked since he came in after meeting you about the trip so not sure

Siv; don't worry anna you guys will go everything will be fixed today

Surya/Roze; thanks siv good night

Siv was sitting on his bed and using her phone while she heard the door opening sound and she lifted her head up to see who it was and found Sam in front of her.

Sam; hi siv,

Siv; Hi sam

Sam; I thought you were angry with me because you didn't speak to me when surya called, and what are you doing here aren't you not going home

Siv; stop acting like everything is ok between us

Sam; I am not acting, you were right about what you said earlier and I am ok with it, let's take a break and I will speak to sifra and mum so there is nothing to worry

Siv; Sam you don't need to do this for me, do it when you feel like you want to do it

Sam; it's ok siv I understand I will speak to them

Siv; ok so when

Sam; I already spoken to them, why did sifra not tell you, apparently you guys speaks often

Siv; we do but she haven't called me since this morning after you found out about it

Sam; did you tell her I found out and we hand an argument and all

Siv; no I just said I will call her later and said I was just practicing singing and all

Sam; oh okey but now I have called them and all and!! Are you happy

Siv; I am happy and I can't express how I am feeling now, all I wanted and tried to do is to make you happy and I hope you understand

Sam; yeah I get it, I lucky to get a friend who understands me

Siv; friend?

Sam; yeah, as you said aren't we taking a break for sometime from relationship stuff

Siv; that came out due to my anger, and I thought if I say this you will talk to them and all but I didn't really meant it

Sam; well it worked so

Siv; say something, I don't want to take break

Sam; neither do I

Siv; so are we cool

Sam; yeah

Siv; missing something

Sam; love you babe

Siv; finally thanks papa love you too

Sam; he went near her and hugged her

Siv; she hugged him back so what did you speak with them, all good

Sam; yeah all good, they want me to come their but I said I will come after I achieve something

Siv; you will achieve and now you just sleep you look drained out and enjoy your trip

Sam; yeah just one more day to go, and yeah I haven't called your brother yet, let me just message him, it's late to call now

Siv; he will not be sleeping at this time, this is the time he plays fifa with his friends

Sam; okey but let me text him, and let me drop you it's too late now

Siv; no need I am staying tonight

Sam; are you sure

Siv; yeah why do you have any problem

Sam; no no not at all okey come let's sleep

They both fell asleep after humming a song together 😊

Next morning, Siv woke up and left the flat without letting anyone knows, because they all were fast asleep.

Sam woke up looked for siv but he couldn't find her so he called her and she answered

Siv; good morning

Sam; why did you go, did you leave early,

Siv; yeah left early

Sam; i couldn't find your beside me so I thought you were down but you left leaving me alone

Siv; you are something else man,

Sam; why

Siv; you are like anniyan and why you are angry where is these talks dissolve

Sam; you see I am like this only when I am angry not 24/7

Siv; yeah half of the Time we fight, and sometimes you are like this

Sam; what do you mean sometimes, we still overcome from the problems and I think our love is so strong that patch up everything

Siv; Mm that's true but still I love you

Sam; I love you too Ma, ok let's watch movie today I will come to pick you up and I need to buy few clothes, and need your help

Siv; as always bye love ya

Sam: love you too babe bye

As always they got together again, and this time Sam actually listened to what siv said and made his decision to talk to his mum which made siv happy,

In the afternoon sam and others went to Siv's house to pick her up. They all reached there and called siv

Sam; hi ma

Siv;hi da, are you here wait let me come

Sam; yeah we are here waiting in the car

Siv; what are you serious, I thought it's only us

Sam; yeah, they are coming to watch a movie as well

Siv; then why do I need to come, I agreed so that we can have some alone time, but not now

Sam; babe stop it, they will be watching in different cinema, I only got the tickets for us, since there is only one car, I have to drop them

Siv; oh sorry

Sam; better be, okey come down now, we need to drop them first

Siv; yeah I am coming just getting my  handbag

Sam: Mm bye

After a minute siv came down and went to the car and took the seat next to Sam who was in a driver seat

Other; hi siv

Siv; hi Anna why you are going to different movie l, you should have come with us

Sam; babe please I don't want the brats to disturb our romance

Siv; love ya and she pecked his lip quickly

Others; get a room guys

Sam; shall I babe

Others; please stop this and let's go

Wait for the next episode to find out what will happen?

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