Episode 14

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Next Morning, Siv woke up early and looked at Sam who was sleeping on the other side, and all she can see from his face is that he is longing for support, care and love, as his face looked hurt, knowing about his anger Siv also decided not to tell him about Sifra's text as she thought it is good to keep it secret, as Sam will be broken if he finds out that she knew about it from Sifra and not from him. And knowing that she is the one of the reason she felt hurt too but she didn't want to break the trust Sam had on her as Sam only wanted Siv in his life and not any other girl. 

Putting her thoughts aside, she got up from the bed and went to get refreshed and saw Sam still sleeping, but she didn't want to wake him so she went downstairs and saw her anna's on their phone, she went close to them and asked what there were upto. 

Siv; Anna what are you doing on the phone, you guys looks too serious. 

Surya; we are just checking on the comments for the cultural performance that we performed and trust be you both are going to be a great singer in future 

Roze; yeahhhh trust me Siv you were just amazing 

Siv; anna I hope so, and one more thing I wanted to tell you about 

Surya; mm yeah Siv what is it anything serious?

Siv; I don't know anna, but Sam just confronted me yesterday and said that he is going to do part time job after college finishes

Others; yeah Siv he mentioned it but didn't go into details about it with us he said he was thinking about it but didn't know that he made the decisions 

Siv; anna avan strong ah irukan, he wanted to do it and said he will make sure he concentrate on his studies as well as job

Roze; but when will he  get a practice time for singing and cultural than ?

Siv; that I am not sure, he was not ready to listen to anything and I didn't want to ask him questions as well, he might get stressed and he asked if we can at least believe in him and support him. When he openly asked us to just support , how can I say something. So I didn't say anything I just said I will support him 

Surya; mm that's correct, but don't worry Siv I will ask him to at least take weekends off, so he can be free for practice and our college is going to finish soon as well so not to worry, few more months than he will be stress-free and only focus on singing 

Siv; I wanted him to achieve  his dreams more than anything, and he will not take it easy at all, so fingers crossed that everything will fall into place soon

Others; not just Sam, you should go and follow your dreams as Sam, you both will be superb, with whatever you guys do. We will always be there for you too 

Siv; thank you anna's Sam is very lucky to get you all 

other; always and no thanks and all between us 

Surya; we should thank you Siv for accepting Sam knowing his anger and you coming from big family background 

Siv;  always anna 

Roze; sari Siv you go home, you have college you will be late, and I will inform Sam 

Siv; illa anna, I will be here and check up on him and let him take rest today, he can go to college from tomorrow 

Surya; sari we will go so we can work on the notes and final exam is coming soon 

Siv; mm ok and I think Sam is still sleeping, as he is not down yet why don't you all help me make breakfast

others; ayyo no way ma, we are all tired of cooking why don't we just order something and go out for dinner 

Siv; good idea but the dinner plan I don't think I can make it, you all go and I will need to go home amma and appa will be alone at home, and I need to be there as Sundar is going on a trip

others; Mmm okey ma, so you guys spend time together we will leave 

So they ordered breakfast for everyone and Siv went up to wake Sam up, but found him already woken up and he was in the bathroom, as he heard the water running sound

Siv just sat on the bed waited for him to come out and after 10 minutes he came out 

Siv; morning sam 

Sam; morning babe, woke up early? or did I woke up late? 

Siv; I woke up early and found you fast asleep so I didn't want to wake you so I got ready and went down 

Sam; babe sorry I am giving you hard times

Siv; what are you talking about, you have rights and I completely understand what you are going through so don't worry 

Sam; but I know I am hurting everyone with my anger, and believe me it was just through anger and I will never hurt you and please don't leave me if I lose my cool due to my anger I might get frustrated and say hurtful things 

Siv; Sam please I know can we not talk about this I love you and that's what all matters now and please now come lets eat, surya anna ordered breakfast and today you are staying and spending time with me and not going to school 

Sam; babe why are you stressing yourself go home and take good rest, you need it you are here since yesterday and aunty and uncle will be worried 

Siv;  mm yeah I am going home in the evening and you guys are going out for dinner 

Sam; why don't you join us for dinner and go home, I will drop you 

Siv; illa papa I need to go, Sunder is going on a trip and amma and appa will be alone at home so I have to go 

Sam; babe Raksan eppa vaaran theriyuma, sollama kollama engayo poitaan 

Siv; dai don't act an all, he only told you where  he was going so stop acting like you don't know and don't think I don't know about what you guys are upto 

Sam;  babe 

Siv; mm I understand but be careful 

Sam; babe your brother is very innocent and he might even just let it  go, he is not even strong, he is very scared about it 

Siv; paapa please help him, he will not be happy if he lose her 

DON'T GET CONFUSE (Rakshan is in love with a girl and he expressed his feelings 2 years ago and both were happy until the girl's dad found out about it and arranged a marriage for her by blackmailing and Rakshan found out about it went to Sam and asked him for help and he helped him and asked Rakshan to go and get her during night so they can get register marriage done but the wedding was only planned a week ago and the girl was locked in a room since her dad found out about her love, but was in contact with Rakshan through her mum's phone as she was happy with her daughter's happiness and asked them to wait until marriage day so the girls' dad will not plan anything beforehand and will not have any doubt either)

Sam; don't worry I will help him, he trusted me and waiting this long for her so he is truly in love with her and I will not break that bond babe not to worry 

Siv; okey lets go down and eat, I am starving 

Sam; babe you are cute di, come closer, and she went closer to him and he pecked her lips before moving downstairs and she blushed with his kiss and went down with full smile 

sorry for updating after sooo long,  

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