eddies rings.

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"doll , come here i have a surprise for you " he says , and you nod. you walk over to him , and see his hands behind his back. you look at him confused.

"so you know how much i don't like rings , well i bought a few ..." he trails off , and you smile. "show me " you say , and his hand comes out from behind his back and your eyes widen.

"i love them " you gasp , eddie holding his hands out. his skin complimented by the cold metal completely. he smiles at you , "yeah ?" he asks and you nod.

"how much baby ? tell me how much you love them ?" he says , placing you on the edge of his bed. "i love your rings so much eddie. so fucking much " you say , and he smiles.

he moves your hair from on your shoulders , and wraps his hand around your throat. "you like them now darling ?" he asks , you looking in the mirror. your neck followed by his hand and hickies looking way better with his rings.

"absolutely , definitely eddie. they're so hot " you gawk , and he smirks. "you know , they can look good in different places . and i have a camera " he says , grabbing the black camera.

you giggle as he flips you on your stomach , his fingers yanking your hair back. you see a flash of the camera , the picture printing out. as it develops , he pushes your back down , but your hips up.

" arch just like that for me baby , don't move " he says , sliding your pants down revealing your red lace. he grabs his handcuffs , placing your hands onto your back together. he spanks you , making you release a moan.

he does it a few more times , till your cheek is red. "eddie " you whine , and he places his hand on the cheek , making sure the red hand prints can be seen and your handcuffed hands.

he takes the picture , then sets it onto the nightstand next to the bed.  "fuck , look at that one " he says , holding your throat. he flips you over , groaning as your bodies make contact. he leans down and kisses you , his lips going over your bottom lip , biting it.

"please touch me eddie " you whine , desperate for him already. you feel a smack on your face. you bite your lip as he does it again , loving your little moans from it. "such a pretty face " he says , sticking his thumb in your mouth.

you wrap your lips around his thumb sucking on it , your eyes burning into his. he takes the handcuffs off , and pulls your pants back up.
"sadly , we'll have to continue this later. d&d calls darling " you hear him say , desperate that he's teased you and is now taking you with to play d&d.

your legs squeeze together as you get into the van he has , your wetness pooling. "i promise you baby , later on..." he trails off into your ear. "you'll be screaming for me " he says , and backs his van out of his driveway.

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