in love with my bestfriend

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"just why cant he see that i want him ?" i sob into steve's arms , he holds me as my body shakes with every sob

"i know kid. i know " he says , pushing my hair out of my face knowing it makes me feel less uncomfortable crying infront of him.

he's my brother , well not biologically but i count him as one. "he's in love with chrissy cunningham ! they're literally polar opposites , i'm the one he's meant to be with. i know him better than anyone else" i cry , tears relentlessly pouring out of my eyes at this point.

eddie walks in to steve's house , and i just sob in steve's arms. "woah woah what happened y/n/n ?" he asks , and i cant hold it in anymore.

"how are you in love with chrissy ?" i ask him through my gritted teeth. his eyes widen and he stutters.

i poke the inside of my cheek with my tongue , shaking my head as i get pissed. "i-i'm not. who told you that ?" he asks , and i shake my head , swinging at the wall.

"so you fucking are ?" i ask , and he looks down at the floor. "why cant you see that im in love with you !? are you that oblivious eddie !? i'm in love with you , and everything about you. "i scream , my knuckles bleeding from the foundation of the house.

"w-wait you're in love with me  ?" he asks , and i grab my walkie and go out of steve's house. "wait y/n !" he says , but i already ran away from the house.

i go into the woods , taking a right to go to my spot. i eventually reach it , sitting on the edge of the spot , the flowers and butterflies resting.

"god " i sigh , catching my breath as i watch the sun rise. how ? how is eddie munson , the leader of hellfire , the LITERAL POLAR OPPOSITE of chrissy cunningham in love with her ?

it doesn't make sense. she's a preppy , goody to shoes. he is the polar opposite.


"i spilled my love for him " i say , seeing robin sit next to me at my spot. she knows about it.

she nods , taking me into her arms as i cry again. "i'm so in love with him robin. he's like oxygen. i need him to survive or have a good day. how can he be that oblivious about how i feel about him ?" i say , as she rubs my back rocking me back and forth.

"we're gonna move away from the edge " she says , and i nod getting up with her. i sit on the bench that was installed here , leaning my head on her shoulder. she's my best fucking friend and i love her.

she leans her head onto mine , as i cry. "it's just so crazy. and i think i broke my knuckle "
i say , wiping my tears with my bruised and bloody hand.

"i found you " i hear , and see eddie sweating and panting. robin leaves , eddie taking her spot.

"i don't even wanna look at you right now " i say , and he nods , but he grabs my face.

"y/n i only convinced everyone im in love with chrissy because i didn't think you were in love with me " he says , as my eyes light up.

"i'm so in love with you y/n. i've been for the past 14 years of my life. i always got with the girls to try and get rid of my feelings for you but it never worked " he says , and i smile.

"i want you to be mine y/n. you're all i've ever wanted and more. " he says , "i love you y/n. " he smiles , and i lean in and kiss him.

he kisses back immediately , holding me as i smile into our kiss.

"i love you too eddie , so much  " i say , as he stands us up , lifting me into his arms.

"y/n , will you be my girlfriend ?"  he asks , and i nod , tightening my legs around his waist out of pure happiness.

he smiles and laughs into my ear as we spin , a bird chirping as the sun sets.

"you're my whole heart y/n. wanna go to mine and cuddle ?" he asks , placing me back on the ground.

i nod , but before we take off i kiss him again , and his arms wrap around my waist. he kisses me passionately , and i just live in the moment.

"let's go home " he says , embracing our hands together as he walks us down the tree filled woods , us smiling like cheekily smiling.

i love eddie munson.
and he's mine.

eddie munson imagines 🖤🤘🏼Where stories live. Discover now