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"would you wanna go y/n ?" dustin asks , as steve drives to the d&d match

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"would you wanna go y/n ?" dustin asks , as steve drives to the d&d match. you nod happily , mile laughing as you get excited like a little kid.

steve turns into the the d&d spot , and you get out of the car. you just watch but they say there's a new runner of the group. eddie , eddie munson.

he was described as long brown wavy hair , rings , tattoos , a jean jacket and a "hellfire " shirt , jeans and chains. you are excited
to meet him as his name rings a bell , but you have to see his face first.

you go in the room , a big chair with a person in it at the end of the table. mike , dustin , erica , eddie's friends , and eddie sit down. you stand against the wall as steve leaves , tells you to call him when they're done. you nod , as he leaves.

"welcome boys , to hellfire club. ready to play ?" this eddie guys says , before his eyes trail off to yours. suddenly , those perfect brown eyes are in your mind. you remember him.

"one second .. i think i know who this pretty girl is " he says , walking up to you. "does mrs. carson's class ring a bell at all ?" he asks , and your eyes widen. "eddie? eddie munson " you say smiling , and he laughs.

"ah , ms. y/n harrington , my old bestfriend. " he says , and you nod.  "in the flesh " you jokingly bow , as he laughs and realizes you didn't change.

"mr.munson , i missed you " you smile as he engulfs you in a hug , happy to be reunited.  his strong cologne and weed scent & him bonding you just sends chills down your spine.

"mmm , i missed you too y/n/n , sit down next to me. " he says , and you nod going to the seat. mike and dustin snicker " you know eddie ? how ?" they ask.

"well , we might in pre-k to first grade. around there. we were in mrs. carson's class and he was my "cubby neighbor " and he sat next to me..." you reminisce , laughter coming from eddie.

"yes , your black hair always being in my sight. i made the first move talking to her .." he looks at you as you laugh. "anyways edds.." you say "he said ' i'm eddie. eddie munson , wanna be my bestfriend ' , on a piece of paper with a blue crayon. " you finish , and he claps laughing

"that was my brightest moment. and she was my bestfriend , until highschool we drifted. but i'm glad you're back ms. harrington , amazing to have you in my life again " he says and you blush.

" me too edds " you say , and he smiles at you. the boy start the d&d game , and you watch as eddie slams the vecna character down , the boys and erica screaming in disbelief.

"he was killed ? tell me he was killed ! how is he alive ?" dustin screams and eddie laughs. "you thought wrong , henderson " he says , as you admire his confidence and niceness to the kids.

yeah he's an asshole , but a good one. you're just happy to be his bestfriend again , even if it's been 2 years. you watch as they group up and eddie & you catch up.

"are you single ?" you ask , and he nods. "yes , sadly " and you nod. "so am i , i'm so happy to be here " you say , and he places his hand on your knee. your exposed skin through your skirt sending you chills again.

the way he affects you sending a chuckle through him. "well , wanna go on a date ? on me doll" he says , knowing a smoke and movie date is on his mind. "i-i would love that " you say , and the boys turn back to you.

"alright love birds , sorry y/n we love you but we need eddie " mike jokingly says , and you laugh as everyone does too. erica then rolls a 20 , "crit hit !" she exclaims , as eddie stands up. "what ? what !" he laughs , making a face.

he then faces erica , and bows to her smiling. god that was so hot — you snap out of your trance as you go and hug erica , loving how she defeated eddie

"alright , steve is here guys go with him , tell him .." you trail off smiling at eddie as he packs up the game "i have a date tonight with munson " you smile and dustin and mike nod. erica winking at you , and you just shake your head.

eddie grabs your hand , leading you to his vehicle. "ready to have the best day of your life , harrington ?" he asks , starting his van , handing you a blunt.

"are you ?" you tease back , his flustered smile sending you fuzziness as you take hits of the blunt , the feeling just so relaxing , with your favorite person.

you hold the blunt for him as he takes equal hits as you did , but he is at a red light. he grabs your cheek and blows the smoke against your lips , you inhale it of course.

your eyes look at eddie's , flustered.  "fuck" he whispers , adjusting himself. you laugh , knowing the effect. he looks at you and places his hand on your thigh.

"you still drive me crazy " you say to him , and he nods. "you drive me crazily insane love "
he says , and you blush again.

he smiles as you and him finish the blunt , high as fuck. you go into a gas station , grabbing a slurpee and some snacks. he does the same , smiling at you. 

you get back in the front , as you and eddie catch up. "i'm glad you're here " you say , barely in a whisper as his attention is diverted to you , admiring you.

" me too pretty girl , me too " he says , and you cover your face laughing. you're so in love with him still , and he smiles at you too. you guys talk some more , end up in tears laughing.

"i fucking love you eddie. god i missed you "
you say , hugging him. your hand in his hair as he holds you against him. "i love you too angel , i missed you as well " he says , and you smile.

"sooo , 2nd date ?" he asks , and you nod.
what will happen ?

eddie munson imagines 🖤🤘🏼Where stories live. Discover now