camping with your nemesis

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"you two are sharing a tent , whether you like it or not !" your brother steve says as he packs his bag to go camping. "steve , i will go. i don't care about eddie i'm not sharing a tent with hi-" you say , and steve cuts you off.

"it's me in the camper , jonathan and argyle , el and mike , max and lucas , nancy and robin , will and dustin , you and eddie. it's already planned " he says , and you stomp out of his room. you don't really wanna fucking be with eddie but whatever.

you pack your bag , as the trips in an hour. you bring your weed , rings , shampoo and conditioner since the camper has a shower and running water , your meds , face wash , clothes and necessities ( underwear , boxers , deodorant , toothbrush /paste ) , and advil since eddie's gonna give you reasons to have a headache from the screaming matches you guys have.

you sigh , as your brother steve smiles that you're gonna go regardless. "thank you , now was it that ha-" he says and you slap his arm. "just shut up steve and let's go. " you say , and he laughs. you roll your eyes , getting in the passenger seat of his car. he starts driving to the campsite as everyone confirmed they're heading there already.

* time skip *

"y/n wake up we're here" he says , shaking you. you wake up and get out of the car. as you put away your music and headphones , eddie walks up to the car.

"oh what a great face to see. what's up steve " he says to you and steve. "yeah fuck off " you say , flipping him off as you walk away with your bag.

"can we not fight this time ?" robin says , and everyone agrees. "sure " you and eddie say in unison as he fake smiles at you. you so the same , rolling your eyes grabbing a walkie talkie.

"now everyone , here's the sleeping arrangements : y/n and eddie ,dustin and will ,
mike and el , jonathan and argyle , robin and nancy , lucas and max and me in my own tent or camper. " steve says , and eddie scoffs. "fine " everyone says either mad or happy. only mad ones are you and eddie.

you sat up the tent with eddie , placing it into the ground so it has stability against weather and idiots who try to scare you. you lay 3 extra blankets on the floor of the tent so it's kinda softer.

"awe , so scared to feel the ground through the fabric of the tent ?" eddie teases as you roll up a blunt. "awe so fucking annoying for no reason and always in my business ?" you say back as steve sighs.

"and there's no way we can change the sleeping arrangements " steve says , slamming the door to the camper as everyone is setting up the tents.

you light the joint in your mouth , the flavorful weed hitting your throat. you inhale , the weed somewhat calming your nerves. everyone knows you and eddie smoke , but not together.

you take a few more hits before tapping it on your ashtray , putting it out to save it for tonight at the fire. eddie rolls his eyes and turns over. you do the same , getting your music out.

you okay your favorite 80's songs , on high volume. you start to think of your and eddie's relationship. you don't know why you two dislike eachother but y'all do and it's way more then obvious at this point.

you don't even know when it started , but you just can't stand him. as you're listening to music . "everyone in the camper lets go" steve yells , and everyone disregards their tents , placing them in the back of the camper. you do the same , but don't go in.

"y/n lets go !" dustin says , and you give him the "one sec " finger. he nods , shutting the door. you sit out in the cool air on one of your blankets , the cold air hitting your face. it's so refreshing to just sit in a cold breeze , watching the sky turn a relaxed blue and purple and the clouds to come together.

it was peaceful , a way to collect your thoughts as you feel someone stand you up. "let's go. it's too cold out here " and it was eddie. you nod , taking his hand that's offered to help you up and get inside to shower.
* 35 mins later *

you step out of the bathroom in one steve's shirts as he's your brother , and some pajama pants. your hair is half wet and half dry as the cool air inside the camper dries it.

you guys start going to a nice view point of the trail , everyone's walking together. you grabbed your blunt out of your pocket , lighting it once again. everyone's okay when you smoke as you ask before hand.

you take a few hits , walking alone for a few minutes.

you feel someone walk next to you , and it's eddie. you stare at him for a few seconds as he shyly shows a quick face at you. you turn away , focusing on the look of the setting sun.

"why do you hate me so much ?" you ask him , a few minutes into him walking with you. he looks at you.  "i could ask you the same thing y/n. " he says , and you play with your hands as you're nervous.

"it's not that i hate you , well i don't hate you at all. i just think we're polar opposites. " he says and you nod , laughing. "totally polar opposites i guess , but i have to tell you something " you say , as his face lights with confusion.

dustin stops everyone , adverting their attention to you and eddie. they're so invested in your guys' story and timeline. you look over at them , and a mean mug on your face as they turn away.

"i don't hate you either , uhm eddie i-" you say , and he scoots closer. his hair sitting on his face perfectly as he wonders what you're gonna say as he leans on a rock.

"i like you eddie , — shit i love you so much. i get it if you don't feel the same way towards me , knowing our differences but -" you say , eddie walks towards you smiling. you then feel a warm pair of lips on yours. they were eddie's.

he deepens the kiss , turning his head to the side. his tongue grazes over your bottom lip as you smile into the kiss holding his face. "i like you just as much y/n. i love you too angel" he breathes , pulling away. he chuckles as you do too , before embracing you.

"finally some peace between you too " steve says , as everyone cheers. you kiss eddie again , as he whispers in your ear. "will you be my girlfriend ?" he asks , and you nod. peace and love with him. finally

eddie munson imagines 🖤🤘🏼Where stories live. Discover now