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"fine. don't ever call me your bestfriend again , and chrissy , how about you stop fucking jason if you're dating eddie " i say to my now ex bestfriends , eddie munson and chrissy cunningham.

i walk away from them , out of the school doors as a security guard tries to stop me.

i don't stop walking , crying as i just lost my bestfriend of 16 years as he chose chrissy cunningham over me.

she's literally cheating on him , and i've tried to bring it to his attention. i heard her gaslight eddie as i walked out the door.

i go to my car , ripping down the picture of me and eddie from my little space in my car. i place it in my control center in the middle of the passenger and driver seat.

i see his guitar pick necklace laying in my passenger seat. i hold onto it , crying as so many memories come from this.

the time he got the guitar
the time he mastered the master of puppets song by metallica
the time he got an electric guitar.
the time he strummed it with his nails and calling it sweetheart
the time he performed while drunk with you

i place it near my air freshener in my car , it dangling along with the freshener.

i drive home , in tears. he really chose a preppy wanna be over his bestfriend since he was 3!? beyond me.

i get home as my brother notices me crying. "why are you ho- what happened ?" he asks , and i explain everything.

he sighs , holding me as my dad comes towards me. "oh what happened ?" he asks , as i embrace my dad. my brother malachai explains everything.

he holds me as he reassures me everything will be alright. he's allowing me to not go to school , since i'm obviously heartbroken.

i go to my room and see our wall and book of pictures. he was truly my only friend and my bestfriend.


i take all of them down , placing the book and spare pictures into a box under my bed. i sob as i did so , my dog coming on my bed.

as he laid down on my arm i cry even more , i lost the only person i loved and cared about.

over a cheerleader ?!

* time skip *

eddie's pov :

she hasn't been to school in 2 weeks.
she hasn't been in our classes.
she hasn't been here.

i tear up as i think about the situation. i dropped her over a girl i've been dating or seeing now for 4 months.

i really , really fucked up. i get an excuse to get out of class and see chrissy and jason making out against the lockers.

"so y/n was right chrissy ? you are fucking jason " i say , angry and upset with myself. she gasps as she runs up to me , trying to claim jason forced her too.

"no way. fuck you , and fuck you " i say to both of them , walking out of the doors of the school.

i have to get to her.
she was right.
end of pov

i hear a knock at my door , and i go to the door from my couch. i open the door and see eddie. i immediately closes the door , but his foot and strength stopped me from doing so.

"wait. please " he says , and i give up. i allow him in and he sees me state. my hair in a messy bun. my skin pale , my eyes swollen , my voice hoarse from crying , tear stains on my face.

"i'm so sorry i didn't take your side y/n " he says , starting to tear up. i sit on my couch as he sits next to me softly.

"you were right , about everything. i let her manipulate and gaslight me " he says , tears rolling down his and my face.

"i told you. i fucking told you " i say , my voice breaking. i clear my throat painfully as sobs wreck through it.

"she was a cheating , lying bitch " i yell , mad it took him this long to believe me. he nods , sobbing too.

"i'm so fucking sorry " he says , coming up to me and embracing me. he lifts me onto his waist as i sob into his shoulder. he holds me as he lays down with me ontop of him.

we both cry into eachother as my throat starts to hurt again. i try and calm down my breathing and he notices. he breathed in and out with me , calming my breathing down.

he looks at me by holding my face , and he wipes my tears. "i love you y/n. so much " he says , and his eyes are full of love.

"i love you too eddie. " i say , smiling. he smiles back as he pulls me into a kiss. a kiss i've waited so long for.

we start making out as we've both wanted this for so long. i bite his lip pulling it back , and he smiles. "be my girlfriend ?" he asks , and i nod happily.

we cuddle in the couch , watching our favorite movie , coralline.

eddie munson imagines 🖤🤘🏼Where stories live. Discover now