eddies rings pt 2 !

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you guys get home , and at this point you're throbbing for touch from eddie. your lips mesh together as he picks you up , and places you onto his bed.

you slide your outfit off , desperate for anything. he gawks at your body as he walks towards his mirror , and grabs the handcuffs. you whine , shaking your head no.

"you don't have a choice baby " he says in your ear , the metal clicking of the handcuff around your wrist could be heard. "please touch me eddie. i-i need you " you whine out , your thighs clenching as your arousal drips out of you.

"you need me , hm ?" he asks , grabbing your throat. this just sends butterflies and even more neediness through your body. "how fucking bad ? tell me doll ." he says , slapping your face as his grip on your throat tightens.

"yes eddie. i need you so bad , please ? it hurts " you say , as you thrive your hips up and he chuckles at your neediness. he slides his pants and boxers down , then takes his shirt off. his hair messier then ever , but you don't care.

he bites his lip as you obey him , and he starts kissing you again. you moan against his lips as his hand comes up , and squeezes your breast. "fuck " you breathe out against his mouth , a grunt from eddie as you're so responsive.

"i don't know baby ..." he says , "that didn't sound quite convincing " he says , as he takes a nipple in his mouth , and a loud moan comes from you. literally his touch just sends you through wanting him and being so desperate for him.

"god no. please eddie , please ! " you whine loudly , tearing up from desperation as he leaves hickeys on your neck and chest. he smacks your face , as you smile from the stinging it left. "you can wait a bit , let me see how needy you are for me ." he says , going inbetween your legs.

he spreads your legs , and his eyes fixate on your pussy , the arousal dripping infront of him. the cold air hits your pussy , and you hiss at the feeling. "so , so fucking wet for me. " he gawks , loving the feeling of how he can only make you feel this way.

"do something eddie , please !" your eyes filled with tears as he runs his finger up and down your slit , teasing you. he laughs from how desperate you are , and spreads your legs even farther. your hands yank on the handcuffs , but nothing happens.

he takes his finger , and rubs it on your clit , a moan releasing from your lips as tears stream down your face. he comes back up to you , and sticks two fingers on the bottom of your lip. "open for me , good girl " he says , as you take his fingers in your mouth instantly.

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