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"hey steve , pass us the blue blanket please ?" eddie asks , steve nodding getting it for you two. eddie unfolds it , lying it on you two as you cuddle deeper into him. his hellfire shirt smelling so good as he smiles.

he plays with your hand that's on his stomach , smiling down at you as you laugh at the movie. he adjusts himself so he's higher than you on the couch , and your head is on his arm. he lays his hand on your thigh , stroking it and tracing his finger up and down your thigh.

you thought nothing of it as he always does this , but he's more serious than usual. he seems fixated on you then the movie. you look at him "are you okay baby?" you ask , and he nods , moving a piece of hair out of your face.

your heart flutters from his touch as he leans down and kisses you. your lips lock with his and he deepens the kiss , his hand going from your face , to your neck , down to your breasts.
his large hand squeezes at your breast through a spare hellfire shirt he had as he kneels your breast as you kiss him harder.

"eddie , we can't —" you whisper and his hand travels again , this time above your skirt waist line. "is this okay baby ?" he asks , kissing the space behind your ear. you nod , craving his touch more than ever now. his hand slips into your skirt , under the waistline.

his fingers skimming over your soaked , lace underwear as he smiles. "so wet for me , and i've barely done anything love." he says , and you whine thrusting your hips against his hand.

he places his free hand over your mouth , trying to not have the crew what's going on. " can i keep going baby ? " he asks sweetly , grabbing your side of your panties that are covering your pussy. "please eddie " you say in a whisper , and he nods.

his cold fingertips touch your clit , as you jump from the sudden coldness. he chuckles, knowing the effect he has on you. he moves his fingers up and down your slit. your arousal coating his fingertips as it pools from the touch.

"you're gonna have to be quiet baby , do you think you can for me ? he asks , your mouth being covered still. "mhm " you nod , giving him the okay. your arousal clicks against his fingers , and he bites his lip from the noise.

"you're dripping " he says , spreading your wetness to his fingers. he slips one finger inside of you slowly , his rings touching your exposed clit. you gasp as he slips in the second finger and curls them.

"fuck y/n ." he grunts again , curling them more. he starts to move them in and out of you , curling everytime he went in. "good girl — such a good little slut " he says , as your eyes roll back from the pleasure. you moan against his hand as he presses it against your lips harder.

"bite if you have too baby , shh " he says , and you nod as his pace increases. he slides his fingers more inside of you , adding a third. his rings being coated in the arousal , but he doesn't give a fuck.

you bite down onto your lip , the pleasure you're getting from eddie and the risk of being caught making it even better. "good. i want you to cum for me baby , even if it means me going harder and getting caught. " he says , and your eyes widen.

you nod at his words , squirming as your orgasm piles up slowly. he starts to go even harder , his palm smacking against your clit. luckily you're the closest couch to the screen so luckily everyone cant hear it.

his fingers slam against your g-spot lightly and your walls clench around him. he notices
& you tap his leg to warn him. "i know love, cum for me. cum all over my fingers darling " he orders , his hand going even faster making your blanket shake.

you pant against his hand , your legs starting to shake as your orgasm hits. he continues to help ride your orgasm hit as he coaches you through it. "that's it baby. — shit. such a good girl " he states , as you let him know he can removes his fingers.

he slides them out of you , a clicking noise from your entrance was heard. he bites his lip , the screen light making your cum glisten on his fingers. he sticks his fingers in your mouth , sucking your cum off of them.

he then leans down to kiss you , your taste in your mouth now too. you smile , and the lights click on. you notice that the movie ended and you & eddie let out a sigh of relief.

"you guys okay ?" steve asks and you two fake yawn. " aw they fell asleep. how cute !" nancy says , loving yours and eddie's relationship. you nod , as eddie rubs his eyes as he was asleep.

"well , we're gonna go to sleep ! goodnight guys " eddie says , picking you up to take you to your guys bed. "you guys can spend the night too !" you say , and the crew all cheers and spreads out to sleep.

eddie has a soundproof room , and throws you on his bed. "gonna be a long night for you love " he says , kissing you.

eddie munson imagines 🖤🤘🏼Where stories live. Discover now