you saved me

662 11 2

tw: verbal and physical abuse.


"tyler , stop !" i cry , as he smashes our photo frames on my walls. he's over and angry at me over an argument we just had.

"shut your fucking mouth !" he screams , throwing a frame at me. i dodge it , crying in fear.

"you're scared ? you're fucking crying ?" he asks , getting in my face as he pushes me onto the staircase.

"yes please stop " i beg , my tears sliding down my face as i hold my head. he is getting way too aggressive.

"fucking make me " he says , through his gritted teeth. i live across from eddie and wade munson. and i bet they hear steve.

"just stop ! i'm sorry !" i scream as he grabs me and slams me against the wooden door , the entrance of my house.

"you wanna play the fucking victim huh? like fucking always ?! " he screams in my face as i look away. he slaps me on my cheek.

he punches my nose , and i stumble to the side. my nose burns as he grabs my arm , for sure leaving a bruise. blood trickles down my nostril onto the space between my lips and nose.

"no tyler i'm sorry ! i'm so sorry !" i cry , as he pushes me to the ground. he makes sure i'm laying on my back as he hovers over me.

"you're always so sensitive when ella is around. what ? are you afraid she's better than you ? oh wait , she fucking is y/n. " he says , and my heart shatters.

"she's so much prettier and way better than you'll ever be. you fucking bitch " he says , kicking me in the rib.

i hear the door slam open , wade on the phone with 911 as eddie charges in.

"get your hands off of her you piece of shit !" i hear eddie say , as i get off the floor and run towards wade , my nose bleeding , bruises on my arms , a handprint on my cheek and now a bruise forming on my rib.

eddie is now attacking tyler , punching him in the face. "eddie " i say , and he doesn't stop.

i don't care tho. tyler deserves it.

the cops pull up and immediately see my bruises and blood. they break apart eddie and tyler , eddie not being arrested or charged.

tyler , abuse charges & assault charges. and a lot more.

eddie runs to me and hugs me. i sob in his arms as the cop with a camera comes up to me.

"sorry , may we take pictures of the injuries maam ?" the cop asks , and i nod.

i lift my back of my shirt to reveal even more bruises from a week ago. they're in shock as eddie is so raging pissed.

wade comforts me as i walk over to eddie and embrace him.

"you saved me , thank you so much eddie " i say into his neck as he holds me.

he doesn't plan on letting go.

he rubs my back , and just lets me cry. i really , really can't thank him enough.

"ma'am , would you like to press a restraining order against tyler johnson ?" the cop asks as i hear him screaming in the cop car.

"yes sir. please " i say , and he gives me a form to sign. i sign it without hesitation and hand it back to the cop.

eddie just holds me , as he goes inside my house and gets ice packs.

"here love , place these on your injuries. go get your clothes for a few weeks. you're living with me just so you can go back inside your house after a bit " he says , and i nod

i go pack a bag , large enough for a few weeks. i get my clothes and necessities and i walk with eddie just across from my house.

i walk into his , his uncle hugging me. "so glad you're okay kiddo " he says , and i smile. he's been like a dad to me since mine is currently rotting wherever he is. he's a deadbeat.

"thank you so much. without you two i don't know where i'd be right now or how i would be " i say , and they both smile at me.

wade gets me a bottle of water and medicine. i thank him before eddie drags me to his room.

"i'm so relieved we heard and stopped him " he says , embracing me. he's my bestfriend of 17 years. since we were 2 years old.

"me too. i cant thank you enough " i say , and he holds me again.

we go to his bed , sitting down as i'm on his lap. he always does this and it's so comforting.

he smells good too so i am not complaining.

"i love you y/n. " he says in my ear , and i smile. "i love you too edds" i say , and he just looks at me.

i get my walkie as robin comes through to me. "hey are you okay ?" she asks , and i say no and for the crew to come to eddie's trailer.

she stops , and i radio the rest of them.

they all show up within a matter of minutes and they see all the marks and bruises

"holy shit. tyler did this ?" nancy asks , and i nod , starting to cry again. everyone embraces me , and eddie explains everything.

they're all in shock and disgusted. hopper and joyce come out of the car with will , running to me.

joyce and hopper softly embrace me as they seen the bruise on my rib since i showed them.

"honey oh my. " joyce says , and hopper just holds us and kisses me on my head.

all the kids embrace me , knowing them comforting me and being here really helps me alot. eleven cries as she is so saddened by my state.

"i'm okay el , i love you " i say to her , she's like my little sister and i love her so much. "you're gonna make me cry even more " i say to her , and she laughs.

"i love you too y/n " she says , laying her head on my shoulder as she stands next to me. the kids embrace me more.

"be careful " i say wincing as pressure on my ribs and back hurts.

"we love you y/n" they all say , mike my little brother pissed that he was abusive. they nod , and look at eddie's hands. "i love you kids too "

"i beat the fuck out of him " he says proudly , and i just nod.

they all just sit with us outside , hopper starting a campfire as he pulls out s'more stuff.

i smile , knowing he knows me best. all the kids talk about d&d with eddie and other stuff to distract me.

i smile , having the best support system as eddie holds me. he's sitting on a 3 chair with me , his arm around me. he hasn't let go since i've embraced him after signing the restraining order.

he saved my life , and he doesn't know how grateful i am. they all did just by being here. robin and nancy pass out blankets as the cold wind wrecks us.

"to y/n being okay " they cheers their drinks as i smile. "to you guys all saving me " i say , and everyone tears up as we start talking about random stuff.

eddie holds my hand smiling and i lay my head on his shoulder. eleven sitting next to me holding my other hand. i love them

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