in a coma

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"eddie i need you to wake up okay ? " i say , grabbing his warm hand. after the injuries he got due to the demobats, he was placed in a coma 1 week @ half ago to heal.

"please , i need you more than anything and anyone right now. you're the only person who i wanna be with , and who i love. please. i need you eddie " you sob , holding his hand. it's been a week and a half since he was placed in a coma , expected to wake up any day now.

it feels like it's been months without eddie. he needs to wake up. the nurses said he is healed. we need him to wake up and speak out about everything that's happened. hawkins isn't done with the danger. will senses him and feels him. eleven seen the rotting plants , the red and black smoky gates. somethings back. the mjndflayers back.

you squeeze his hand as you kiss it , and hear a noise from eddie. "eddie ? if you are waking up can you give me a movement or a noise ?" i ask , pressing the call button on his hospital bed remote.

he squeezes your hand as the nurse comes in , a smile written on her and your face as he is officially waking up. she goes to the ventilation tube , taking it out of his throat as he chokes around it.

his eyes flutter open , his breathing fast as they place a tube of oxygen under his nostrils. "oh eddie " you cry , happily as he wakes up. "hey , hi eddie ? mr munson ? do you know where you are ?" the nurse asks , and he looks around

"uh the h-hospital? " he says , "great mr munson. real good , do you know who this is ? next to you sweetie ?" as she refills his fluids to hydrate him. his eyes look at yours , and he smiles.

"that - that's my girlfriend. y/n byers . can she lay with me ?" he asks , and you sob again. "yes yes she can sweetie. real good that you remember " she says , walking out giving you two privacy.

you sob in his arms as he cuddles into you , crying as well. "i d-didn't think you were gonna wake up. " you sob , and he chuckles. "i'm alive b-babe " he reassures. you grab the walkie talkie as you hear dustin.

"earth to y/n. how's eddie over " he speaks , his line going silent. "hey henderson " eddie speaks , and you hear dustin sobbing "oh man eddie you're up " he says , steve , nancy , mike , el , will , robin , max ( she came out of her a coma 3 days ago ) , etc cheering in the background.

"yes. hello everyone " he says into the walkie , his hair in a bun because you did his hair everyday. "i'm with y/n. you guys should come visit me " he says , and they all answer okay. "oh lord " you chuckle , knowing how many hugs , tears , laughs , jokes , etc are gonna happen.

"come here baby " he says , hugging you. "you really think they're coming ?" he asks , and you nod. he places his finger under your chin , and kisses you. you haven't felt his lips in 12 days. you kiss him back passionately , your lips moving in sync.

as you pull away and smile at him , the walkie goes off again. "almost there !"steve and dustin says at the same time , and he laughs.

he reclines just bed , so he's sitting up. the n nurse comes in , and she smiles at him. "you can eat solid foods , just soft ones for a couple days , then transition to bigger regular foods " she says , and you nod. "thank you so much for not giving up on him. thank you for your work everyday " you say , and she shakes your hand.

"of course sweetheart. oh , your friends are here " she says , and you go wide eyed. "eddie !" dustin screams , crying as you move out the way so dustin can get a hug.

"what's up henderson ?" he says , hugging him back. "be gentle " you say , and they all nod hugging you as well. "what's up man ? glad you're okay " steve says hugging dustin and eddie.

"hey harrington " he says , as they both move out the way for more hugs. "eddie hey " nancy and robin say , embracing him. mike does too , in tears as eddie talks to them. max says hi as lucas introduce himself , and he smiles.

you cry as you watch blissful reunions happen , and your sister el walks up to you. "is this eddie ?" she asks , and you nod. "this is the guy that was suspected of vecnas murders. this is my boyfriend " you say , and he nods. el goes up to him and introduces herself.

"oh you're the girl with the powers right ? steve and dustin told me about you " he says , and el laughs. she nods , and argyle and Jonathan walk in.

"what's up man ? i got some pizza for you. but i'm argyle , this is jonathan , nancy's boyfriend " he says , and they all shake hands. will walks up to him , and introduces himself too. "hey man. heard you love d&d. well join hellfire " he says and will nods of happiness.

then the most important reunion happens. dustin brings in eddie's uncle , his uncle a mess of tears and smiles. "oh my boy " he sobs , embracing eddie. eddie cries too , haven't seen his uncle in a while. "hey " he says , crying into his shoulder.

they both cry and his uncle makes sure he's feeling okay , no pain or bleeding anywhere. eddie laughs as everyone takes a seat , and you climb into bed with eddie again. "so what did i miss ?" eddie says , grabbing some water as the nurse gave him the okay.

"well jason's dead , i beat his ass before he died. i knocked him out " lucas says , and eddie's eyes go wide as he laughs. "good shit " eddie says , and they all laugh.

"he was laying on an entrance of a gate and got ripped in half. i didn't care about him tho. i cared about max. " he says , as max smiles. "i almost died by vecna. literally just came out of acoma too. 3 days ago " she says , as her casts and wheelchair are in the room.

"uh but that's not it " dustin says , and eddie looks confused as you do too. "uhm the mindflayers back "will says ,joyce and hopper walking in.

"i can feel and sense him. he's still alive " he says to eddie , and eddie sighs. "fighting for hawkins " eddie says , and you smile. "me too " you say , embracing your hand with his.

"hey joyce. hey hop " you say , getting off the bed to hug them. "well eddie , this is joyce , my mom and this is hopper , my dad " you say , and eleven nods too. you're elevens big sister. "mom and dad , this is my boyfriend. eddie munson " you say , and hopper and joyce sit next to him in the chairs surrounding his bed.

"hey mrs.byers , and hopper. nice to meet you " he shakes their hands as joyce hugs him. "we're so glad you're okay honey " she says , brushing his loose hairs out of his face. "glad you're okay kid. a true hero you are " hopper says , holding his hand.

eddie talks to everyone and you couldn't all be happier. everyone is getting along , everyone is friends. you love this. so happy he's awake , going home in a couple of days.

"i love you angel , come here " he says , hugging you tightly and kissing you. you couldn't be happier. "i love you eddie. so much more " you say , nuzzling into his chest.

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