bestfriends -> lovers

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"god eddie " you sigh , his sobs over the walkie breaking your heart. this girl named eve just broke his heart , cheating on him with one of his friends.

"c-can i come over ? fucking please ?" he asks , sobs ripping through him. "yes , yes eddie of course. don't even need to ask. drive safe " you say , and his line goes silent. you sigh , getting eddie's favorite blanket and pillow out as he will sleepover.

5 minutes later you hear his engine running into your driveway , plus his familiar knock at the door. you answer it and see a poor sight. his eyes are puffy , his cheeks are red and stained with tears.

"oh eddie , come here " you say as you are immediately engulfed in a hug. he's your safe place , your bestfriend. and he's yours.

"it hurts so much. i gave her anything and everything. " he sobs , you sitting on the couch in the blanket with him. you push his hair out of his face as tears pour from his brown eyes.

"i know eddie , she was in the wrong. it's not your fault in no way , shape , or form " you say , and he nods. he's just upset. he didn't let no one in until eve. now his trust and love are broken.

his face in your chest as he sobs , his grip tightening on you. he doesn't wanna let go , he feels like he's gonna lose it. you hold him as he cries , letting it all out. you didn't care about the fabric of your shirt being wet. it's just tears.

a couple minutes later , your hand is rubbing up and down his back as his body finally calms down , and he's asleep on you. his brown wavy hair in a bun as he was having heat flashes from crying , so you tied it up. his breathing is evening out as you stroke his hair with your free hand.

"i love you eddie " you whisper , watching as his chest inhales and exhales with oxygen. his body twitches , causing him to wake up a bit. "hm ?" he asks , and you shake your head. " nothing eddie , go back to sleep " you say , and he nuzzled his head in your neck , his arm around your waist getting tighter.

" more than you'll ever know .." you sigh , feeling so in love with him. you've been since you met him 8 years ago.

* 2 years later *

he's now the runner of hellfire club in your school which you're apart of. your bond has tightened a bunch. he has even kissed you before , then didn't do it again as he was healing from another break up.

as you two were leaving school , he grabs your hand and kisses you. this time more seriously and passionate. infront of everyone.

"i love you y/n , will you be my girlfriend ?" he asks , and you nod , happier than ever. he kisses you again " i love you so much more eddie " you say , as he lifts you into his arms. he walks to his van , opening your door. "why thank you handsome " you bow , jokingly.

he laughs , getting in the driver seat. "you're welcome darling " he says , kissing you again.

eddie munson imagines 🖤🤘🏼Where stories live. Discover now