match made :)

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"y/n !" i hear , as i run in sobs. i just caught my boyfriend of 9 months having sex with my bestfriend.

"babe please don't run from me " he says , and i turn around. im spewing with anger at this point.

i walk to him and i slap him as hard as i could. "don't ever call me that again , i'll be back at your house tomorrow to get my shit..." i say and brianna comes running outside.

"and by the way brianna , you're a fucking slut. " i yell , and she starts to cry. my now ex boyfriend cries too.

i could care less.

as i walk away , i hear him plead for forgiveness and so does my bestfriend. i flip them off as i cry even harder. i just lost the two most important people in my life.

but they fucked up not me. i walk home , and it's about a 15 minute walk. i grab my phone and check the time. it's 8:56 pm. fuck it's gonna get dark out soon.

i hear a car with music coming towards me and i look at the driver. it's my enemy. eddie munson. he pulls over and sees my tears.

"why are you crying ?" he asks following me , but i just ignore him. "y/n don't ignore me " he says , grabbing my hand. i turn as he pulls my arm , and he sees my swollen eyes and tears flowing down my face.

"was it tyler ? " he asks , and i just break down in his arms. his fists clench as he embraces me.
i just cry , and he holds me. this is so weird.

he's never cared about me this much. never once.

after a while , we start walking to his car. "get in , and stay in when i go out okay ?" he asks , and i nod terrified.

he drives to tyler's house and sees tyler arguing with brianna on the lawn. he gets out of the car , and walks towards tyler.

"you fucking piece of shit " i hear eddie yell and swing on tyler. i gasp , watching tyler stumble back falling to the ground.

he gets up , charging at eddie. i watch as brianna runs in the house and i laugh. she's so pathetic. eddie punches him again , and again. tyler runs to his door , his nose and lip bleeding.

eddie comes back to the driver seat , coming in as i see his knuckles starting to bruise from tbe force of anger he hit tyler with.

he starts his car up , speeding down the street as it's just silent. his knee bounces at every red light , driving somewhere.

"where are we going ?" i ask softly , and he looks at me. "we're gonna go out to eat , and get icecream. i hate seeing you hurt " he says , and your heart flutters a bit. he's never been so sweet.

"thank you eddie , i can't thank you enough. " i say , extremely grateful for what he did and what we're doing now. he nods , smiling at me.

"of course , you deserve it after the hell you just were through. " he says , and i grab his hand. he smiles and so do i as he pulls into my favorite dinner place.

"shall we ?" he says , opening my door. "we shall " i say in a weird accent as he laughs. we go inside , and the waitress pulls 2 menus , and silverware's for us. she directs us to our table , as we sit down.

"what drinks would you like to start with tonight ?" she asks , and i grab the menu looking. "can i have a lemon water and a strawberry lemonade please ?" i ask her , and she nods writing it down.

"and for you sir ?" she asks eddie and he looks at her. "can i also have a water and regular lemonade please " he asks , and she nods going to grab them.

i fix my skirt as i sit , and he grabs my hands. "you at least a little better ?" he asks , and in nod. "why are you being so nice to me eddie ? we don't get alo-" i say , but he just shakes his head.

"i care about you more than you realize. " he says , his thumb rubbing my skin of my hand. i smile , and make eye contact. "i care about you too eddie , thank you again. i really need this. " i smile , and he nods.

the waitress comes with our drinks 10 minutes later. as we get them and our table organized , we look at the menu as she comes back a bit later.

"so , what can i get you for meals or appetizers or dessert ?" she asks , and i let eddie go first. "may i have the uhm - steak and fries please. steak medium rare. and a side of mashed potatoes please ?" he asks , and she nods looking at me.

"chicken alfredo please , with some breadsticks and extra dipping alfredo " i say. "coming right up !" she says , grabbing our menus.

* after they eat *

me and eddie laugh as we smoke a blunt , having such a great time. we're already close as ever and we're having so much fun.

"i cant believe you actually did that as a kid. like what the fuck ?" he says , taking a hit of the blunt. "i was a weird kid " i say , laughing. i finish the blunt , the official the last hit.

he starts the car up , taking us to an icecream place. we listen to music , and take pictures as we were in the restaurant and driving , smoking etc.

i didn't think that we would bond so much. but we are.  we get out of the car at the icecream place , and we go up to the window. "robin and steve " i say , pointing at them.

"oh hey you two love birds. what can i get for you two " robin asks as steve gets the icecream cups prepared.

"can i have a chocolate oreo milkshake with m&ms" i ask , robin nodding. steve starts it as eddie orders his. "mint icecream milkshake please " he says , and robin nods.

i talk to robin , steve and eddie as they make our icecream. they do , and they hand it to us. "see ya tomorrow for the dungeons and dragons match guys. " steve yells as we wave.

we eat our icecream on the bench , bonding with him even more. as we eat our icecream , he just stares at me. "what ?" i asked , and he just smiles again.

"i really really like you. " he says , grabbing my hands. i go wide eyed as i smile. he comes and sits next to me , and he laughs.

"i'm so happy eddie i like you too " i say , as he grabs my face and kisses me. i kiss back , deepening the kiss. his arms wrap around my waist , lifting me up onto his waist as he spins us around.

"will you be my girlfriend when you're ready ?" he asks , and i nod "yes , i've been waiting " i say happily. kissing him again.

eddie munson imagines 🖤🤘🏼Where stories live. Discover now