comfort <3

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my boy eddie <3|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

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my boy eddie <3

"a-and he cheated w-with angela , why was-wasn't i go-good enough eddie ?" you said , the walkie talkie in your hand un pressing the button.

" love , you know you're more than good enough. tyler was an idiot. i'm on my way y/n , don't move baby " he says to you , his voice cutting out on his end.

you sob in bed , wondering why your boyfriend , well now ex would cheat on you with your enemy. was it because of you ? it couldn't be , but you don't know.

about 5 minutes later you hear metallica , and the screech of eddie's van. you look out you window and see him running to your door. he lets himself in , and you hear his converse on your stairs.

he comes in your room , sees your state. your eyes are puffy and swollen , tears stained your face as they keep on falling , your hair sticking to your face as you cry.

"oh love , come here " he says , as you get up and hug him. you've never hugged him so much in your life , and so tight. eddie makes you feel safe , he always has.

"let it out , it's okay. you're safe y/n " he says , rubbing your back with one hand , his touch sending warmness down your body. your hands around his neck , you gripping the back of his shirt as you cry.

"oh , you poor thing " he says , as you he moves your hair out of your face and puts it out of your way with a headband. "thank you .." you say , "thank you for c-coming here " you say , and he nods , willing to do anything for you.

"of course , you don't know how bad i want to beat his ass. but i won't for you , knowing you don't like violence. " he says , as you sit on his lap with your head nuzzled in his neck.

"thank y-you eds " you say , him smiling at the nickname you've given him. he nods again , rubbing your back , and hair as he adjusts himself so he's sitting straight against on the headboard.

he rocks you two side to side , humming your favorite song knowing it calms you down. you smile , feeling calmed down but still upset. you're happy that eddie's with you.

"please stay the night ?" you ask him , looking at him. he grabs your cheek , and makes eye contact. "okay , are you sure you want me too ? " he asks , unsure.

"yes please eddie. i don't want you to go " you hug him tighter , and he nods. "i will y/n , i won't leave your side darling " he says , and you smile against his neck.

it's now 9:00 , and you hear dustin in the walkie. "earth to y/n ! hello ?" he says , and eddie grabs it. "hey henderson " he answers , you sniffle in the background.

"y/n final— eddie ? what are you doing on y/ns line ?" he asks , and he explains the situation. "oh y/n we're so sorry " mike and lucas & dustin say. "we just wanted to know if you two wanted to spend the night at mike's ? play some d&d and get icecream " dustin asks.

"hold on henderson " eddie says and unpresses the button. "you wanna go love ?" he asks , and you nod your head yes. "alright guys. give me a few mins. we'll be there shortly.  over and out " you say , smiling at eddie as you hear them cheer in response.

you throw on one of eddie's shirts he left at your house from the last sleepover and a pair of sweatpants and he just has on what he has on + a pair of pants he brought to sleep in.

"let's go pretty girl " he says , opening the van door for you. you smile at him , flustered. he gets in , and starts to drive.

"i'll do anything for you .." he says , grabbing your hand. "whenever you're ready , i wanna be with you. " he says , and you smile. you always had a bit of feelings for eddie and you want him too. just not now.

"i wanna be with you too eddie , just give me time " you say , kissing his cheek. he smiles , and smiles at your kiss.

you love him , and you always have
he loves you , and he always have

eddie munson imagines 🖤🤘🏼Where stories live. Discover now