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"are you fucking KIDDING ME ?" i say in pure shock as i see my boyfriend eddie kissing my shirtless bestfriend , eden.

"shit y/n , baby -" he gets up but i'm already running out of his room into the trailer hallway.

"y/n —" i hear him yell after me as i closed the door on my way out , stalling him for just a second. i get to my car , struggling to quickly unlock it.

he comes out and grabs my arm. i rip my arm out of his grip and slap him across the face , as hard as i could.

"don't fucking touch me. we're done eddie. DONE " i throw my promise ring at him , he catches it. i start sobbing harder than i already was as he does too.

i see eden running down the street in her clothes , and eddie just breaks down even more. "don't leave me , please baby. it was a mistake i-i -" he starts to speak but i pull off of his driveway , down the street.

i see eden get into a car with her ex boyfriend , and i almost hit her as i drive by. i wish i would've.

my walkie screeches and it's steve. "y/n. you there ? over " he says. i grab it , my sobs taking over. "h-here over. " i say , taking a sharp right turn , and my walkie goes again.

"come to family video , what's wrong ?" he says , and his end goes silent. "already on my way there , i'll explain when. over and out " i say , and then everything goes black ...

eddie munson imagines 🖤🤘🏼Where stories live. Discover now