for eddie , for hawkins

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for eddie , for hawkins

after eddie shredded metallica , you , dustin and eddie start to run. as you make it to the rope , dustin climbs up , "COME ON WE GOTTA GO !" eddie screams , going up the rope , then dustin does.

i go to climb the rope , but then look at my surroundings. i look up at them , and grab onto the rope. pulling it.

"Y/N NO , WHAT ARE YOU DOING ?!" i hear dustin and eddie scream as i cut the rope that connects hawkins and the upside down.

"making more time " i reply , flipping the mattress out of the way. "Y/N NO , WHAT NO Y/N! WHAT ARE YOU DOING ?!" i hear eddie scream as i grab the shield of nails and my spear. i start heading towards the bats as i hear screams and pleads for me not to do it.

i go out there , panting as the bats start a whirlwind around me , i scream as i defend myself , the spear and shield impaling the bats as i scream again. i feel pain in my abdomen , a small bite. whatever.

i go and kill more as i ride in the bike "COME GET ME YOU SONS OF BITCHES " , riding and distracting them. as i'm riding and killing the bats , i see and feel more around me. more then i could possibly handle. hawkins needs this , eddie needs this clarity , hawkins needs some clarity.

i get off the bike , i swing my shield and spear up , the dying squeals of the bats drowning out as i think of everyone. dustin , eddie , robin , nancy , steve , all the kids too. even though i haven't meet them.

i feel a stronger pain in my abdomen as their ripping me apart as i fight off as many as i can. i soon drop to the ground , the bats relentlessly attacking me. one wraps their tail around my throat , attacking ne everywhere. i cant defend myself. i let out a blood shaking scream as i hear my name being screamed. i know that it's my time to go.

"Y/N " i hear , and eddie scoops me in my arms limping. "pretty bad right ?" i say in pure agony , eddie looking at my wounds. "no no no you're gonna be fine , we just have to get you to the hospital " he sobs , knowing i won't make it there.

"okay " i say as he tries to get me up and going , "i think , i think — i need a second okay ?!" you say , and he nods. with blood slowly going towards your throat , you smile at him as he holds you sobbing.

"i didn't run away this time right ?" you choke out , tears falling as you smile again. "no , no , no no you didn't run " he answers , dustin watching in tears , his big sister passing away slowly. he sobs and tries to access the reality of you dying.

"you're gonna have to look after those little sheep for me , okay ? " you say to dustin , and eddie shakes his head , tears falling fast. "no no no no no you're gonna do that yourself " he says , and you choke , smiling again.

"no eddie , say you're gonna look after them " i say , my eyes pleading with his. he pounds his hand on my chest , replying. "i'm gonna look after them" his voice breaking as he sobs , grabbing your hand.

"this was my year munson , finally my year " you choke out , blood starting to block your airway. "i love you eddie " you choke out , everything slowly fading including your vision , hearing , etc.

he sobs , kissing your head. "i love you too y/n " your head tilts , as your heart stops pumping. eddie looks at dustin and back at you. "y/n .." he watches as you're lifeless. his sobs wreck through him , "y/n !" he screams , your dead body laying in the man's of who you loved.

his sobs echo through the upside down as dustin cries , embracing you and eddie.

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