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ship: dorbyn

summary: daniel and corbyn haven't told
their fans they're together yet. although most fans are suspicious the two boys are more than friends daniel and corbyn have spent the last three years kissing in secret. they aren't hiding, and they definitely are not trying to sneak around as the two are very open about flirting with each other on camera, but they haven't announced it anywhere and they're okay with that.

warnings; underage drinking

ages 21 & 22
the band released the trailer for the four episodes of "30 days with why don't we" they were making with YouTube Originals a week ago, and ever since the limelight's were going insane over a particularly cute clip of the top shipped members of the group, daniel and corbyn.

it was a snip of a scene in episode three where they were making cookies together and daniel was wiping powdered sugar off corbyns face. the pair had already seen a thousand fan edits of the clip and the episode didn't even come out for another two weeks so, corbyn thought it would be a good idea to make another video of them making cookies and post it on instagram tv as a part two to the part one that wasn't even out yet.

and of course, daniel agreed, never being able to say no to his lover. he watched as corbyn set up his phone against a vase of flowers daniel bought him last week and admired his boyfriend as he made an intro to their video.

"hey guys! i've never made one of the instagram tv clips before but dan and i are making cookies again and we wanted to film it for you guys as a little part two to the time we made them on our 30 Days With Why Don't We series." corbyn said looking to daniel with a soft blush on his cheeks remembering the time, receiving a fond smile in return.

"that episode hasn't even aired yet they may not even know what you're talking about." daniel stated teasingly, then going further into detail about the series and which scene corbyn was referring to and how they had seen the many edits and comments.

somewhere during their baking;

corbyn was stood in front of his phone mixing the cookie dough together. they had decided on sugar cookies so that this time they could frost them and corbyn was almost ready to put them on the tray and into the oven when daniel came up behind him, loosely hugging his waist and tucking his face into corbyns neck.

corbyn felt his cheeks heat up a little as he continued to mix the dough a few minutes longer then needed just so daniel would stay there.

farther into their baking;

just as daniel was deciding that there would need to be a few cut offs in the video where the pair had gotten tired of waiting for the cookies to bake and decided to busy themselves kissing instead the timer went off for said treats. daniel quickly grabbing an oven mit and pulling the tray out while corbyn set out the frosting and sprinkles.

"well while we wait for those to cool we should clean up because you are..." daniel spoke through a laugh, dipping his hands in the flour that had gotten spilled all over the counter, and walking over to corbyn, grabbing his butt while looking at him with the biggest smile on his face "..covered in flour..."

"really dan! now i have to change" corbyn spoke with pink cheeks and a pout on his lips

"aw i'm sorry corb, i'll help you get cleaned right after i do this.." daniel giggled before wiping a huge glob of strawberry frosting on corbyns nose and then running away scared, corbyn chasing right after him with the same frosting on his fingers ready to ruin daniels white t shirt. and just like that their cookies and their video were forgotten.

corbyn centric one shots Where stories live. Discover now