the aftermath

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ship: dorbyn

disclaimer: this is a part two to "party"

warnings; mention of vomiting, small sexual actions

daniels eyes snapped open the second he heard gagging and dry heaving from beside him. he looked over to find corbyn on his knees in front of the trash can on the floor, profusely vomiting. he pulled the blankets off his body before walking around the bed and crouching beside his boyfriend, rubbing his back as he finished his third round of throw up.

"is he okay?" daniel turned around to see jack standing in the doorway, looking past daniel to see corbyn, turning back around when corbyns head went back in the trash can for a fourth time. "do you know that guy named austin that was here last night? jonah said eb was friends with him" daniel asked, ignoring jacks previous question.

"not really, he's more of eben and jonah's friend but i've met him a couple times. why? did something happen" jack replied, becoming noticeably more concerned for corbyn as he walked in the room, his hand coming to run across corbyns back. "tried to bring corb upstairs last night" daniel mumbled to jack, attention returning to corbyn as he finally stopped throwing up for the first time in ten minutes.

jacks eyes were quick to fall on daniels, a silent conversation shared between the two as jack silently made daniel promise nothing had happened to corbyn. daniel could only speak for what he knew had happened while he was there, the ten minutes they were together unsupervised haunting him as he tried to assure jack nothing happened on nothing but corbyn's word.

corbyn took a swig of water, dropping the headache tablets down his throat before looking at daniel and jack. "didn't mean to wake you up" he spoke guiltily, jacks hoodie sleeves falling over his hands forming sweater paws as he rubbed his legs, trying to warm them up. "s' ok lovely, not what i'm worried about right now" daniel rushed out as he kissed corbyns forehead.

jack stood up, lips landing in corbyns hair as he laid a kiss on his head "zay's downstairs sleeping, when he wakes up i'll ask him about austin, let me know if you need anything" jack spoke, glancing at his best friend he cared so much about before going back down the steps.

corbyn shakily stood up, holding onto the bathroom door frame to keep him steady. he grabbed a spare toothbrush from the drawer and brushed the sick taste out of mouth, grabbing a towel out of the bottom cabinet after he finished. "m gonna shower" he spoke quietly, looking at daniel through hooded eyes.

"want me to join you?" daniel asked, concerned with his boyfriends behavior. "no.. need a minute to think" corbyn spoke even quieter then before, thoughts swarming him before he even finished the sentence, coming in so fast it made him dizzy. "okay baby, yell if you need anything" daniel said, wanting his boyfriend to know he was there for him.

corbyn smiled small and nodded before closing the bathroom door and turning the shower on. he undressed and got in, standing under the water for a few minutes without doing anything.

daniel sighed, getting up and taking a few headache relievers for his own headache before grabbing the bag from the trash can and wrapping it another bag before throwing it out. he went down the hall to jacks bedroom bathroom, taking a quick shower before changing into another change of jacks clothes and heading down stairs. he was met with the sight of jack and zach cuddling on the couch in the living room, watching some movie he didn't know the name of.

he went into jacks kitchen, he had just started mixing pancakes together when the duo walked in. "how's corb?" zach asked, sitting down at one of the island seats austin had corbyn pinned to last night. daniel rolled his eyes at the thought before letting zachs question sink in "sad.." was the only answer daniel could muster up.

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