lost love

42 2 6

ship: dorbyn
warnings: sad, cursing, mention of suicide and related topics

summary: their ending wasn't fair

corbyn sighed as he watched the video play over and over again.

a video of daniel, making out with a girl.

it was already enough knowing he was kissing someone else but knowing that he was kissing a girl allowed a lone tear to escape corbyn's eye.

it cascaded down his cheek and left a stain as it plopped onto his blue comforter. he pulled his knees closer to his chest, adjusting the comforter to lay over them as he wrapped his arms around his legs, hugging himself.

he and daniel had been in a relationship for the last year and a half, a very happy relationship up until about 3 months ago when they broke it off.

they'd agreed to be civil and friendly for the band and, per daniels request, they acted like they'd never had any kind of romantic connection.

this had gone over relatively smoothly since the breakup, as they never announced their relationship to social media prior to the separation, but now corbyn could already sense the distance being put between them as the video played again on his feed.

another tear rolled down his cheek as he mentally scolded himself.

he had been convincing himself for the last month that he was over daniel, doing everything in his power to find reasons to not be attracted to him. wether that be finding flaws in his appearance or even his personality.

'safe to say that didn't work' corbyn thought to himself, his internal conversation interrupted by a knock on the door.

"corb can i come in" he heard daniel ask from the hallway, his hands coming to wipe at his face with the sleeves of his (zach's) hoodie before letting out a small yes and placing his phone down.

the door opened and he had to bite his lip to prevent another tear falling as he came face to face with his ex boyfriend, a guilty expression on the brunettes face as he entered the all too familiar room, closing the door behind him.

"hey so, i just wanted to tell you i've been seeing this girl, ella, for a little while now and i just seen a video of us from a party got put on social media and we're kind of uhm.. kissing in the video.. and well i just wanted to let you know first before you seen it" daniel spoke nervously, rocking on the balls of his feet as he scratched nervously at the back of his neck

corbyn forced a small smile, his hands rubbing up and down his legs anxiously as he tried to soothe himself "thanks, i appreciate that" he spoke softly, uncertain if his voice would crack had he spoke any louder

daniel gave a half smile at that, his eyes floating behind corbyn's head as he gazed at the wall behind him

corbyn turned to see what had caught his eye, cheeks turning red as he realized he had found the picture of them corbyn still had hanging on his wall.

it was a photobooth picture from their first date, consisting of an early dinner at the state fair and a walk down the boardwalk on the beach that had the cutest little photobooth right in the center.

corbyn had loved their date so much, their whole day had been perfect in his mind, so when they passed the booth he insisted he and daniel stop for a picture so that he would always remember this moment with him.

he still remembered what it felt like when daniel had guided him into his lap, squeezing his cheeks into a fish face as they posed for the first picture. he remembered the exact moment daniel tickled his sides to get a genuine smile as they smiled for the second picture. and he definitely remembered the way he gently grabbed his chin and kissed him for the first time for their last picture.

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