pastors son

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ship: zorbyn

summary: corbyn is the pastors son, picture perfect goody two shoes, held to unreasonably high expectations and zach is his best friend and has been for his entire life up until sophomore year when best friends turned to boyfriends.

warnings; mentions of sex but no detailed smut

corbyn finished passing out the food drive flyers and made his way back to his pew, sitting between his mother and zach. zachs mom, myta, sat beside his mom on the end seat. saskia and myta have been friends since before corbyn and zach were even born, resulting in why their sons are as close as they are.

corbyn felt a chill run down his spine as he rubbed his arms to get rid of the goosebumps covering them. of course zach noticed and slipped his jacket off, handing it to corbyn. corbyn slipped it on pretending like it was nothing, the couple had gotten very good at hiding just about every emotion they felt about one another in public. everything was practiced and friendly. they were "bros" to anyone around them.

as corbyns father concluded service, everyone started saying their goodbyes, saskia went towards the front to meet her husband as myta followed closely behind, meeting zachs dad, who sometimes helped ray with service. corbyn looked at zach, asking him something without saying anything, but zach knew, giving a simple nod back. "i brought you here i'll take you home, cmon"

zach and corbyn both told their parents goodbye before slipping out of the church doors and into zachs car. "wanna go grab some lunch?" zach asked, knowing his boys answer was yes before he even asked the question. "yeah something small tho, i've got practice in an hour" corbyn responded to his boyfriend, referring to the practice for their high school basketball team he was apart of. practice was scheduled for two thirty and church ran longer then usual today, it already being one.

zach nodded with a small smile on his face directed towards his boyfriend. they pulled out of the church parking lot and zachs hand immediately found it's way to corbyns thigh the second the building was out of view. corbyn smiled, his own hand coming to grab zachs as he interlaced their fingers in his lap. he leaned across the center console, placing a kiss on his boyfriends cheek before grabbing his phone and texting his mom he would be home in a little bit.

when corbyn and zachs relationship first began it was because they both needed a stress reliever, both of them being an only child with parents who aren't exactly rich but definitely aren't poor, growing up in church with ungodly expectations, of course it was gonna be stressful. zach played football because his father did when he was in high school, corbyn played basketball because his father did. perfect grades, perfect plays, perfect attitude, perfect reputation. that's what they were expected of. they had been best friends for as long as either of them could remember so finding comfort in each other didn't seem weird to them. but in winter of sophomore year that comfort became bigger then either of them could wrap their head around.

they had gotten their sandwiches from panera and brought them back to corbyns house, finding out that their parents went out to grab lunch together when they walked in to see a note on the fridge. now the proclaimed friends were making out in the kitchen. zach had his hands on corbyns waist, lightly pushing him against the counter as corbyns arms wrapped around zachs neck to pull him closer.

when they pulled away for air zachs head dipped down to lean against corbyns, pressing their foreheads together, "i've gotta leave in 20 minutes" corbyn mumbled, eyes still closed from their make out, heart still racing from the shock when zach grabbed his face to kiss him like he'd been wanting to do since he picked him up for church that morning. "then we better go eat" zach whispered, eyes open to watch his boy catch his breath, taking in how gorgeous corbyn is. but even after zachs words were spoken neither of them made an effort to move for a few more minutes, staying tangled together with corbyns back still pressed into the counter, their breath still mixing together as they both came down from the high of their kiss.

eventually zach pulled away, leaving a chaste kiss on corbyns forehead before walking away to the other side of the counter, sliding corbyns food to him as they began to eat in a comfortable silence, them both being too caught up in their own minds to speak.

corbyn had his own car, but zach preferred to drive him everywhere. zach took him to practice at two thirty, and picked him up at five thirty. the football season was over and zach usually just went to the gym that wasn't too far from the school to work out while corbyn went to practice, it made sense for him to stay close to corbyn.

corbyn threw his gym bag in the back seat of zachs car before climbing in. "i need a shower we ran all day" corbyn ranted the second his seatbelt was on, he ran his hands through his sweaty hair and twisted uncomfortably in his seat "and a massage" he whined as he rubbed his soar muscles. "my parents are at your house" zach spoke as his hand went to his boyfriends knee after they pulled out of the school parking lot "you could come over and we could do both?" zach asked through a smirk, looking over at his boyfriend when they reached a red light "sounds wonderful"

a text from his mom that they were staying at corbyns because they had too much wine and two rounds of shower sex later corbyn and zach were cuddled up on zachs couch watching The Grinch. they didn't have sex or cuddle often because they were never alone enough to do so but when they did they savored it. they rarely ever got to be this intimate with each other. corbyn loved to cuddle after sex and zach loved to make his boy happy so they do.

after their shower together zach gave corbyn a massage on his bed to help his soar muscles and corbyn was feeling much better, much happier, much lighter. he loved the moments he got to spend with zach when no one else was around. even though it was his idea to watch the movie, he was uninterested now. he stood up, straddling zachs waist before taking a seat in his lap, stuffing his face into zachs chest as zach wrapped a blanket around them.

corbyn closed his eyes, enjoying zach while he had him, knowing when they woke up tomorrow things would go back to how they were again until one of their parents was too drunk to drive themselves home again. "i love you zay" corbyn said into his boys ear, wanting him to feel how much he really meant it. "i love you so much more corb" zach spoke quietly to his boy, placing a kiss on the part of corbyns neck that was exposed to him, just below his ear. "i always will" zach finished before carrying his boy upstairs to his room and laying him down in his bed.

a/n here's a zorbyn shot i just wrote. i got the idea yesterday and wrote it down pretty quickly so if its messy and unorganized that's why but i still thought it was cute.
1,238 words

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