ski trip

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ship: dorbyn
warnings- smut (multiple different times)

this is a part three to "rivals" and "finals" !!

the snow was coming down hard. the roof above them was creaking with the weight of snow and the windows would whistle every time the wind would blow too hard.

corbyn was overjoyed to be spending winter break up at their cabin in the mountains. they were going to spend their time skiing and snowboarding and watching movies together. he was even more overjoyed to be doing it all with daniel and his family too.

both boys and their families wanted to spend time together while being free of work and school and saskia and ray couldn't think of anything better than taking the seaveys to their holiday home and letting them experience a christmas in a real winter wonderland.

corbyn couldn't stop watching the snow fall. they'd been trying to pull him away from the window all morning but he wouldn't budge. daniel was still asleep and saskia, ray, keri, and jeff left a few hours ago to check out some of the gift shops they had at the ski lodge, but corbyn didn't want to go, he wouldn't leave daniel alone.

he'd finally moved away from the window and into the kitchen to start making some hot chocolate when he heard the light patter of footsteps retreating from his room. he couldn't stop himself from smiling as daniel made his way downstairs, excited to finally see him after their long time apart.

they'd spent the last few weeks drowning in school work and finals and corbyns team was still practicing for states and daniel had picked up a job so he could make a little extra money so he and corbyn could afford an apartment together a short ways off campus next year so they really hadn't seen much of eachother for the last month.

when they finally got to the cabin last night they were all exhausted so after they finally settled into their rooms everyone almost immediately fell asleep.

daniel smiled upon seeing corbyn working almost too hard on just a cup of hot chocolate, he was quick to wrap his boy in a hug, kissing his neck softly as he rubbed his lower stomach under his hoodie.

"where is everyone?" he asked upon hearing the silence in the house besides the clinking of corbyns spoon in his mug as he mixed the cocoa with the milk. "parents are out at the gift shops, wanted to get out of the house before we get snowed in" corbyn replied sweetly as he melted into daniels hold.

"so we're alone?" daniel asked, a small smirk coming across his face as he lowered his hands slightly. "yes, not sure for how long tho" corbyn said, already knowing what daniel was implying.

"we've been fast before bug, you know that" the older replied, pressing harder against his boy so he could feel his erection.

just then both boys parents returned home from
their shopping trip and were staring to make their way inside. corbyn and daniel were quick to change positions as daniel pushed himself onto a counter and corbyn slotted himself between daniels legs in hopes to hide the olders erection.

"oh look, daniels finally awake" saskia was the first to notice them. dropping a bag of what looked to be snowboarding gear on the floor while admiring the two. "we brought back breakfast, eat it while it's hot" keri added on as the rest of the parents made their way into the kitchen.

"actually mom, corb and i were gonna go shower first and then eat, just so that he can warm up" daniel cut in, doing his best to blame corbyn's bright pink face on the cold and not his sheer embarrassment that they were almost caught.

"okay just don't take all the hot water i think your father was wanting to get in the shower too" was all she replied with and daniel was so relived that their parents had been as accepting of their relationship as they had.

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