through the ages

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corbyns boy loved him so much it was almost sickening. daniel expressed his love for corbyn with acts of service or words of reassurance, even when corbyn didn't need to ask for those things.

they were so utterly in love, and they had been since they were eight.

6 & 7 years old
corbyn was overjoyed that there was a new boy around his age moving into the house beside his. jordan was much more interested in playing with his toy trains and cars inside and ashely was much too young, so corbyn was glad he could finally, hopefully, have someone to play with.

when the seavey's moved in daniel couldn't wait to unpack his new room, it didn't phase him that there was a sad blonde longingly peering at him from his porch as the brunette hardly paid attention to him.

saskia tried to remind corbyn several times that they were busy moving in and that corbyn could talk to daniel about playing together as soon as they got settled but the blondes self esteem had been destroyed and he no longer wanted to play with his neighbor.

it was two days later when the small brunette went outside to explore his new yard for the first time. he heard a small voice talking to himself as he picked flowers from the bushes near his home.

"hi" was all daniel said, anxiously rocking on his toes as he waited for his new friend to acknowledge him. corbyn jumped at the noise, spinning around and looking at daniel before turning a deep pink color and shyly waving at daniel.

"i'm daniel seavey, i live here now" daniel responded, pointing at his new home for emphasis. "corbyn" was all the blonde said back.

"just corbyn? no last name?" daniel said approaching the younger boy with a smile "corbyn besson.." the blonde said, becoming very shy at daniels closeness.

"nice to meet you corbyn besson" daniel smiled bright, pulling a flower off the bush behind corbyn and sticking it behind the blonde's ear, watching as he turned a darker pink.

7 & 8 years old
corbyn lazily fell into daniels lap, his head finding its way snug into daniels neck as he closed his eyes "m tired dani"

the older took it upon himself to pull the blondes party hat off, wrapping a protective arm around his best friend as a group of their friends whipped by on rollerblades. "then we'll leave now"

daniel scanned the room quickly for his mom, finding her talking to another group of moms near the cake table. it was their classmate carters birthday and his parents were celebrating at a skating rink they invited carters classmates to. keri had brought the boys because saskia had to stay home with a sick ashley but it was no big deal corbyn and daniel did everything together now anyways.

daniel slipped corbyn's skates off his feet before taking his own off too "corby you have to stand up so i can go tell my mom to take us home" and corbyn did, rubbing his eyes as he waited for daniel to stand too.

daniel took their shoes back to the counter and grabbed corbyns hand to guide the tired boy over to his mother "mom corbyn's tired" daniel exclaimed, getting the attention of the other moms keri was talking to as they giggled.

"well then let's get you home" keri smiled, using her thumb to wipe some frosting off of corbyns cheek, the youngest giggling as he nodded.

11 & 12 years old
daniel knew the day had to be perfect, after all your best friend only turns 11 once.

he had everything planned out, he would sleep over at corbyn's the night before and they would do whatever he wanted, even tho they always did anyways, and then they'd spend the entire day together on his actual birthday.

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