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ship: dorbyn
warnings: too cute, sort of short

summary: in which they let their love linger

daniel smiled as he scanned over the comments quickly, his eyes catching some of the ones asked about corbyn and how he was.

he loved how much his fans cared about his boy and their relationship, it was so sweet to him.

"corb is downstairs i think, last i seen him he was asleep on the couch" he smiled, a fond look in his eyes as he thought about the blonde who was swallowed in one of his (daniel's) hoodies in their loving room, a blanket pulled up to his chin as he hummed peacefully.

he filtered through more comments, catching one from a dorbyn super fan account "technically corb dosent live here.. yet, i mean he's here more than he's at home but that's just since he's still living with jo and eben. we'll probably move him in here soon tho" he giggled out, his hand coming to rest under his chin as he propped his head up.

he responded to only a few more comments before he began softly strumming some chords on his guitar, humming the words to the song linger by the cranberries as he closed his eyes.

he continued even as the door opened and closed behind him, his mind in its own world as he continued entertaining his stream.

corbyn only crossed his arms and leaned against the door, smiling softly as he watched the brunette lovingly.

the comments went crazy upon seeing corbyn, the viewers increasing tenfold as he only stood back watching his boy. daniel finished his verse, his eyes opening as he smiled cheekily.

he quickly skimmed some of the comments with a big cheesy smile on his face before noticing the comments about corbyn at the door. he turned quickly, the guitar still in his lap as his cheeks warmed and his smile grew larger if that was even possible.

"baby!!" daniel yelled happily, getting up and pulling the blonde to him as he hugged him. "i'm sorry hon did i wake you up?" he asked sweetly, peppering his boys face with kisses.

"no baby, kobe heard the mailman" corbyn replied, and that was enough for daniel to know his small dog had gone a little crazy upon hearing the stranger scuffling about at their door.

"your singing was good tho, i heard you downstairs" corbyn spoke, smiling up at his boy as he only left a kiss in his hair as a thank you.

"come say hi they've been dying to see you" the older spoke, pulling corbyn over to the bed as they both flopped down on their bellies in front of the phone daniel had propped against a pillow.

"hi guys" corbyn giggled out, pulling his grey sweatshirt's hoodie over his head to hide his messy blonde hair.

"sorry i look sort of a mess i just woke up" he said softly, his attention drawn to the door as he heard small scratches at it.

daniel only laughed, getting up off the bed as he made his way to the door to let kobe in, smacking corbyn's butt in the process, the blonde only smiling cheekily as he continued skimming comments.

kobe scurried into the room quickly, jumping onto the bed and getting comfortable above corbyn's head next to the top of the bed with the pillows.

corbyn only giggled, adjusting the phone kobe had knocked over when he jumped up and laughing when daniel plopped down onto his back this time, the camera only able to see his hair now.

"oh those are the flowers dani got me this month" corbyn said, pointing at the bouquet of multi colored lego flowers in a vase on daniels night stand you could see in the background of the stream, he was replying to a comment one of the viewers had asked about the flowers, and he was more than happy to talk about them.

"i love them, he gets me lego flowers once a month and we build them together and make a little date night out of it, but the best part is i never know when he's gonna get them so the date night is a little surprise sometime throughout the month" he smiled, his eyes twinkling as he talked about his boy.

he reached his hand over, using it to absentmindedly run his thumb over daniels cheek as he continued to read comments. the older only smiled and closed his eyes, allowing him to do so.

corbyn hummed the words to linger as he watched the comments gushing about his small story roll in, his cheeks a warm pink reading some of them.

daniel only smiled hearing his boy, opening his eyes and grabbing his guitar from beside his bed again as he began to strum along to the song. corbyn pulled his hand back upon feeling daniel shuffling.

he began to actually sing the lyrics to the song as daniel played the guitar, the live stream catching the entirety of the moment as many viewers began to screen record.

just as they were reaching the chorus daniel started to harmonize with corbyn, giving the song a whole new beautiful sound as they did their take on it. many viewers watching, appraising their vocals in the comments.

the chemistry the two had while singing was undeniable, especially when they finished and corbyn leaned down to kiss his boy softly before remembering they were still live and pulling away embarrassedly.

daniel only laughed, placing the guitar down and rolling over again so that he was now entertaining the live.

he smiled upon seeing zach had joined and requested to be guested into the stream, so daniel approved it and waited for the brunettes picture to pop up.

"holy shit you guys we need to cover that for the band you guys sounded so good" he rushed out as soon as he joined the stream, corbyn and daniel only laughing in response.

"it was so fucking good you guys seriously" jack added from beside zach, watching the two on the stream look at him confusedly

"hey j! where are you guys?" corbyn asked excitedly upon seeing his best friend, the fluff of his hair and one eye peaking over the corner of the phone "oh we're bowling with jacks family" zach answered, flipping the camera to show sydney and isla with bowling balls in their hands as they watched ava bowl.

"and why weren't we invited?" daniel inquired, a small smirk on his face as he looked between the two "because we knew corb would be napping, but now that we know he's awake we'll be over for dinner as soon as we're done here, call jo, byyyeeee!" jack replied, blowing a kiss to them both as he left the live before either could protest.

daniel and corbyn could only laugh, daniel shaking his head jokingly before addressing the viewers again "well guys, i guess we better go since apparently we're hosting dinner tonight, we love u guys tho thanks for joining, we'll do this again soon" he spoke sweetly before ending the live.

corbyn sighed, resting his head on daniels shoulder as he picked at his fingers. "m sorry for kissing you on live" corbyn spoke softly, afraid daniel would be mad

"don't be love, i can't wait to watch all the edits back after that gets clipped, i love showing you off" daniel replied adoringly, his fingers drawing invisible shapes in the exposed skin showing on corbyns back.

corbyn only smiled, pecking daniels lips before jumping up and heading downstairs "cmon we're hosting dinner, remember?" he yelled as he trampled the stairs, kobe following him out of the room.

daniel groaned into the sheets before reluctantly getting up and following his boy down the steps, dialing jonah's number on his way down to invite him over.


jonah was there only a few minutes after daniel had called him, simply because he hadn't been busy before then. he helped the couple make vodka pasta and mozzarella rolls before jack and zach arrived.

and by the time dinner was over and they were a few glasses deep, a why don't we cover of linger was posted onto the band account and they had started karaoke in daniels living room.

a/n this was an idea i randomly had tonight that i thought would be cute and quickly wrote down so i guess forget what i said about posting drafts lol. i miss the band sm tho, and how did we only get a 4/5 (+ eben) pic of them at jonah's recent concert? i need a new 5/5 pic to make it through the rest of 2024 or i may just loose it.

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