new kid

69 1 9

ship: wdw
warnings: long asf, cute asf, sweet asf

summary: in which 4 becomes 5.

daniel sighed dramatically, lifting his hand up and dropping his crumpled paper onto the desk again.

he was so bored.

he hated this stupid astronomy class and he'd never understand why his counselor placed him in it in the first place. he wanted to be an english major for christ's sake.

just as he discarded of the crumpled ball of paper and laid his head down to attempt to nap for the next 45 minutes he felt a small tap on his shoulder.

"hi i'm sorry would it be okay if i sat here?" an unfamiliar blonde asked as he peered his head up from his arms, watching as the blonde pointed to the chair beside his.

"y-yeah sure" daniel spoke hesitantly, his eyes scanning the boy as he processed just how attractive he was.

"hi i'm corbyn, i just moved here" the blonde spoke softly, sitting down as he set his bag on the floor beside him, plastering a sweet smile on his face as he looked at daniel

"i'm daniel" the brunette smiled back

suddenly 3rd period just got a whole lot more interesting.


daniel moaned into his kiss with zach, pulling the younger closer as he grabbed a handful of his ass. zach only giggled, pushing daniel against the wall as he wrapped his arms around his neck.

daniel pulled away, attempting to catch his breath as he allowed the situation to de-escalate

"we gotta get back z" he panted, his hands shaking as they removed themselves from
zachs ass. the younger nodded, smirking as he separated from daniel, smacking his ass on the way out the door as they both made their way to the cafeteria.

jonah only laughed at the two as he took notice to their swollen lips and disheveled hair as they made their way back to their lunch table.

jack only smiled at them before stuffing more french fries in his mouth.

"jesus d, can't keep it in your pants even at school" jonah giggled, pulling the brunette into his lap as he rubbed his knee

"no, no, this one was all zach" daniel whined, the younger only laughing as he didn't deny it.

daniel removed himself from jonah's lap as he found his way back to his seat and grabbed his drink

"oh so i totally forgot to tell you guys, there's this new kid, his name is corbyn. the kid is a fucking angel, he's the biggest sweetheart you'll ever meet. and he's fucking perfect. we have astronomy together and we spent the whole period talking today" daniel rambled, listing facts about the cute new blonde in third period.

"where's he from" jonah asked, his face holding a cheeky smile as he watched daniel. "virginia, moved here with his mom and sister" he answered, taking a bite of his sandwich after.

"did you tell him about us..?" jack asked softly, now picking at his french fries with a fork as he glanced at daniel.

"i didn't really know what to say, we never really decided what this was" daniel responded honestly, looking between his three best friends who he'd recently started to see as more than friends.

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