loving two

46 2 2

ship: dorbah
warnings: alcohol, sexy dancing

summary- why does he like them both?

corbyn's head rolled back as he felt jonah pull him closer by his hips. they were at another fucking party. corbyn was only half drunk. a term he'd come up with earlier in the night when he knew he was a little past tipsy (he couldn't feel his legs) yet not so drunk he wasn't in control of his actions.

he was fully conscious of what was happening, of what he was doing. jonah only wrapped his arms around his waist, continuing to dance with him as corbyn slowly grinded on him.

this happened everytime. he'd find himself dancing with jonah just as his brain started to go fuzzy and by the time he was slurring his words together daniel would have him pinned to a wall while they played a game of "try not to kiss" with their hands roaming each other's bodies as they pretended to hold an actual conversation.

corbyn had liked them both for so long, it was honestly starting to become unbearable, not only for them but for everyone who had to watch them helplessly pine after each other.

corbyn's head rested slightly tilted back on jonah's collar bone as he swayed corbyn along with him. when he finally pulled away and turned around to face jonah he was met with a jealous looking daniel in the kitchen. he didn't know how long daniel had been watching them, but this also wasn't the first time this had happened.

it was just another fucking party, corbyn tried to remind himself. he knew what all this shit meant. they'd go the whole night flirting and touching but they wouldn't kiss or fuck so that it wasn't too weird the next day when they'd all three just blame it on the alcohol even tho jonah was relatively on the same level as corbyn with his alcohol intake and daniel had hardly finished his first beer.

corbyn gave a slight nod towards the kitchen as he gestured his cup to jonah in hopes to tell him he was heading for more to drink, jonah only nodded and gave corbyn's ass one last squeeze before letting him go

he sauntered over to daniel, his hand finding the counter just in time as he stumbled over his feet, tripping into what he thought was the slab of marble counter hanging off the side of the island but what was actually daniels chest as he leaped forward to catch him.

corbyn hardly registered the cold contents of the rest of his forgotten beverage spilling out of the cup and onto daniels shirt.

he had just started to babble out an apology when daniel pulled away from him, pulling his shirt off as the white tank top he'd had on had now found its place on the counter top and the green and black flannel daniel had been wearing over top of it had slipped back on. snuggly leaving the buttons undone as he watched the younger lick his lips.

corbyns eyes didn't leave daniels abs even when the older came back over to pull him back into his chest.

"honey you've had too much to drink" the brunette spoke sweetly as his hands found their way to corbyn's back pocket. he slipped his hand in, bringing the other to the side of corbyn's face that wasn't pressed against his neck, his thumb rubbing small circles on the younger's cheek.

corbyn's arms came to sloppily rest around daniel's neck, playing with his hair as he only hummed and cuddled closer to him.

"let's dance dani" corbyn hummed happily, beginning to messily pull daniel around as they both giggled, absolutely lovestruck. they both crashed into the fridge and the sink multiple times but neither of them cared, only laughing as they continued to step on each others feet.

"you're gonna hurt yourself sweetheart" smiling cheekily as he gently pushed corbyn against the counter, forcing him to rest.

corbyn only giggled, hardly catching his breath before grabbing daniels hand and pulling him onto the dance floor, back to where jonah was. he pressed his back to jonah's front, grinding on him as he pulled daniel to his front, feeling him up as he stared into his eyes.

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