with you

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when jack brought up the idea of crashing a college party none of them ever would've thought he was being serious. but when he didn't laugh after suggesting the idea they were ready to decline it without a second thought. until jonah agreed, surprisingly enough.

if jonah was okay with it, then they should all be fine. considering he was the most responsible and level headed of them all, the tended to follow his lead on decisions like this.

so they went. daniel and zach keeping the comfort of each other close as they stood finger locked near the back door, jonah waiting outside of the bathroom upstairs for jack, while corbyn stood crammed against the kitchen counter helplessly trying to look for his boys.

he'd made the decision to go to the bathroom alone a few minutes back and it had all gone downhill from there. on his way out of the bathroom the blonde had been pinned to a wall, a guy he'd never seen before holding him there as he tried to undo corbyn's belt. corbyn, not knowing what else to do, kneed him in the balls before darting down the stairs.

they'd originally come to the party just to drink as they were seniors in high school and couldn't buy the drinks themselves, but corbyn can't hold his liquor or his bladder so he didn't give a second thought to the idea of just heading for the bathroom.

when he was finished, he realized not a single one of his boys was in sight, and he'd spent the last fifteen minutes looking for them. zach, who's back was pressed to daniels chest, spotted a panicky looking corbyn from his place near the door and only took a second to tell daniel, corbyn needed help, before bolting for him.

corbyn spotted his approaching boys and felt his entire body relax, while daniel and zach caught a glimpse of the tears in his eyes and felt their muscles tense. daniel did a simple nod of his head to ask if corbyn was okay to which he replied with a simple nod no and that was all it took for zach to be plowing through people and pulling his boy out of the mess in the kitchen.

the three made it to the back porch and zach pulled his phone out to call jonah, while daniel analyzed corbyns every inch to make sure he was okay.

"nothing happened to me i just want to go" corbyn spoke, his voice cracking as he brought his hands up to rub at his face. daniel could tell his boy was frustrated and desperately needed out of there. he was extraordinarily overstimulated and was grasping at straws as he tried not to break down.

daniel was quick to bring his boy close, keeping him in his hold as they waited for jonah and jack. corbyn couldn't seem to catch his breath as his hands came to claw at his throat, desperately trying to move the neckline of his shirt away from his neck.

daniel only brought him in closer, pulling his shirt off as he covered his body with his arms. he soothed corbyn until jack and jonah showed up, only then did he release him and escort him to the car.

jack, jonah, and zach stayed back as they watched the two walk to the car. "why was he alone?" jonah asked, seemingly pissed as he looked at zach. "dan and i thought he was with you two" zach replied.

"we thought he was with you two" jack responded, feeling disappointed in them for leaving their boy alone. "did someone fuck with him" jonah tried to calmly ask, only he failed and the words came out much angrier than intended.

"i don't know i just found him in the kitchen, he seemed to be having a panic attack and dan and i pulled him outside to calm down"

zach only sighed, starting the walk to the car as he ran his hands through his hair. jack and jonah followed close behind, jonah's hand finding its way to the small of jacks back as he helped him into the car.

"hon, i need to know if someone messed with you?" zach asked sweetly as he held corbyn's car door open, softly rubbing his knee.

"there was a guy when i came out of the bathroom, pinned my hands above my head for a little" corbyn spoke as he looked at no one, hands fiddling in his lap embarrassedly "tried to undo my belt and you know.. but i kicked him in the dick and ran" he whispered, finally sparing a glance at zach "that's when i got stuck in the kitchen" he finished, knees coming to curl up to his chest as he hugged himself.

there was a moment of silence before daniel angrily ripped the car door open, his muscles visibly tense under his white sleeveless tank top as he plowed people out of the way and made his way back into the house.

he'd seen a pissed looking brunette trailing behind corbyn when he found him in the kitchen, and he was going to knock his fucking teeth out for messing with his boy

"i got him" jonah replied to no one, following daniel into the house with a clenched jaw and his hands balled up at his sides as his boys only watched him from the car

"m sorry you were alone, jo and i thought you were with z and dan" jack spoke softly, his hand caressing corbyn's thigh as he replaced daniel in the back seat beside him.

"and dan and i thought you were with j and jo" zach spoke with the same soft tone, still standing beside him outside the car, the door still ajar as he occupied the space.

"s okay, shouldn't have tried to go to the bathroom alone" corbyn shrugged, his body finally relaxing as he laid his head against his knees.

back inside daniel was cutting corners and making his way between couple dancing as quickly as he could, his eyes skimming the crowd quickly as he searched for the dumbass responsible for fucking with corbyn

"d, as pissed as i am, we cannot afford for us to beat another kid senseless and walk away like nothing happened, it dosent make corb feel any better and the cops always get called" jonah spoke upon finding the boy heading up the stairs, his hand gripping tightly at daniels wrist to prevent him from beaming for the target behind him who he'd assumed daniel hadn't spotted yet

daniel thought about it for a moment before looking at jonah angrily and flinging his wrist out of jonah's hand, turning around and heading back down the stairs and out of the house

jonah only smirked and followed behind him, pulling his hand into his own once he met him on the lawn "don't worry hon, ebens gonna take care of it" he whispered to him with a smirk, continuing their walk to the car

daniel only smiled hearing that, looking at jonah cheekily before giving his ass a smack and separating to enter the car.

he climbed back into his seat beside corbyn, pulling the blonde into his side as he gave jack a comforting smile, the brunette occupying the other side of corbyn as he leaned against the window and smiled back sleepily

zach got in beside jonah and the eldest sped off quickly, ready to end the night with his boys and only his boys as they escaped the party scene.

a/n writing this in my free period before my english lesson starts but hello i hope you guys are enjoying these updates, and pls lmk if you have an requests im sort of running out of ideas lol

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